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Walden Ponderer

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Walden Ponderer

  1. I'm sure out there somewhere is someone, maybe a few someones, who believe that an abortion is no big deal. Most pro-choice people I know, though, would be happy if there were no abortions by way of preventing unwanted pregnancies. Most view it as a tragic event that in some circumstances, to be judged by the mother, is necessary.
  2. Pretty sure he meant sycophants. Or maybe he meant crazy people who have great rhythm.
  3. God damn Margaret Thatcher for giving safe harbor to that demonic piece of shit. Sadly, the possibility of having our own Desaparecidos is very real. Fuck Trump and fuck this timeline.
  4. Doctor cleared me from quarantine today. I had a fever for about three days, and a runny nose for a few days more. I'm assuming it was Omicron, based on breakthrough and mild symptoms, but who the hell really knows anything any more.
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