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Dijon Robinson

Certifiably Surly
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About Dijon Robinson

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  1. I've never made a single bad post on this site. You may be projecting. My cooter is the second dustiest in Texas, thank you very much.
  2. If memory serves, wasn't Banks one of the aggy signees that hates Texas? I'd be wary of this just being him trolling
  3. Couple of conf 7 CBs from Harris and Roach for Tavorus Jones to the good guys
  4. its_happening.gif
  5. Unless this new Aussie is Michael Dickson 2.0 right out of the gates, I wouldnt be shocked if Dicker pulls double duty this year.. Assuming punting duties killed Dicker's FG game last season. We better hope he's not having to do both for a full year.
  6. If you think Mack's post-2009 dementia somehow negated our 2006 natty then you're not exactly the Dalai Lama yourself
  7. Four months later and this analogy still makes no fucking sense
  8. Worth noting that health officials are recommending people don't laminate their vaccination cards, as if future booster shots are necessary they would probably need to be recorded on the same card
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