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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Bevo&Pevo

  1. Did one or two teams compete? Looking forward to the 2025 football season, this is how I see it shaping up for the ags.
  2. Glasker with the old Dion dance move after the INT. LOL.
  3. Huff didn't get his contract extended, so he found a job elsewhere.
  4. BYU taking CU behind the woodshed. CU is ass.
  5. Yep, CU dodged a big BYU bullet.
  6. Army 14 La Tech 3
  7. Army 14 La Tech 0
  8. No one home on the second level for the Buffs, easy TD for BYU.
  9. Anyone remember Catholics vs Convicts? I'm thinking this is the West coast version of it. Maybe God's Chosen vs Devils Rejects?
  10. Greenville NC.
  11. I can remember some less than stellar behavior from ECU fans once also. In either case...
  12. I'd agree with this. We are their biggest rival. They are a rival, but not THE rival for us. Sometimes they remind me of something like gum I find on the bottom of my shoe. Just annoying.
  13. TIL, that USC has just as many wins over SEC teams as blou. 2, how satisfying.
  14. games I'm interested in BYU vs the Colorado and Iowa St vs Miami.
  15. Laundry is the best example I can think of for the old adage "it is easier to keep up than catch up". Just let those clothes pile up for a week or more and then try to catch up. You'll spend most of your day trying to get it done instead of _______. Our youngest daughter (23) is at home and is still terrible at it. We just open the door to whichever machine and drop her stuff to the floor. She'll find it sooner or later. Her laundry her problem not ours. There is a reason the last goose in the "V" keeps up. Ever hear the expression "lost as a goose? Easier to keep up.
  16. My aggy wife couldn't stay awake and crashed out somewhere in the 3rd. She's not gonna be happy this morning. Think I'll let her find out on her own.
  17. These people will wake up this morning and discover they've become semi famous for all the wrong reasons. BWHAHAHA.
  18. Are you not entertained? Aren't ya' glad you stayed up? Aggy Schmaggy!
  19. that's option B, option A is just get TD.
  20. TD by SC and the lead.
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