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  1. I once scored 4 TD's in a single game at Polk High
  2. FIFY and Is that supposed to be a bad thing?? They actually have an event call the Undie Run, where all of the whores go out and run in their underwear. If you are a college male seeking herpes, what more could you ask for?
  3. It's a tough lineup to crack..
  4. It's a perfect shot between the eyes, of course.
  5. Wasn't his son the one that ended up getting Leach fired?
  6. that and michigan state. they both ran pedophile rings for decades and didn't respond to complaints. decades of touching kids and those that could have stopped it but looked the other way deserves a special place in hell
  7. Just when I had forgotten about it, someone had to bring up that fucking Oilers loss to Buffalo
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