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  1. I was at this game. While a 9-7 score might sound like a boring game these days, that '81 defense was a thing of beauty, and Sims was the anchor for the whole thing. I remember seeing him around campus also. He was an absolute mountain of a man. RIP, big man. Hook 'em.
  2. So, he seems like a nice, clean cut young lad.
  3. 83Horn

    We got Soul?

    A childhood favorite:
  4. Has nobody mentioned Tom Tuttle from Tacoma?
  5. You sure that wasn't a 100 yard time? I don't think anyone was running sub-10 second 100 meters until a roided up Ben Johnson was doing it around 1987 or 88.
  6. I don't know about a band name, but Glory Hole Protocol would make a pretty awesome album name.
  7. I'm interested why you believe Mack is more important to Texas football than Darrell Royal. Explain yourself.
  8. That's the ring they got for losing? Just imagine the monstrosity they'd have built had they won.
  9. You are entering a world of pain, Larry.
  10. Is this your homework, Larry?
  11. Thanks for the responses. Very helpful, and kind of confirms what I was thinking. The only advantage I was thinking of regarding taking a card face up or face down is that the dealer plays first when you take the card face down, and if they bust it no longer matters if you draw a small card. Thanks again.
  12. Can someone explain something about playing basic strategy? I realize that this was supposedly worked out on a computer a long time ago to figure out the best plays to give players the best chance of losing the least amount of money, but I'm wondering if some of the more experienced players on here can share their observations and experience on how well the basic strategy works. I think many players just blindly accept it as "the way" and bet accordingly whether they are winning or losing. The reason I'm asking is that I've noticed that the basic strategy chart says that you always double your elevens. My experience is that this rarely results in a win for the player. The problem I see is that when you double, you are only allowed to draw one card, and my experience has shown that the one card you draw is typically a 2, 3 or 4. The only advantage I can see is to take your one card face down and hope for a dealer bust, which brings up another question. I've seen several other players agonize over whether to take the card face up or face down. I just don't see any advantage to taking the card face up. Am I missing something? Anyway, any advice or words of wisdom regarding basic strategy would be welcome.
  13. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/full-metal-jacket-actor-kevyn-major-howard-dead-69 Unfortunately, never got to photograph Ann Margaret.
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