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Posts posted by 83Horn

  1. 15 hours ago, DeadArmadillo said:

    Me and my girl were taking her niece to Houston and stopped for a Happy Meal and some coffees at a College Station McDonalds.  The dang Happy meal came with a Newcomer of the Year Award


    4 hours ago, DaggerHorns said:

    So you’re saying he may have ran out of time?


    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 1
  2. Anybody remember Baby Giant convenience stores?  I bought my first six pack of Coors in one when I was 14.  That was a big deal at the time not only because is was my first beer purchase AND I was underage, but Coors had only recently been made available east of the Rockies at that time.  Good times.

  3. 1 hour ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    Not only Star Wars but anything to do with space. If you see poling broken down in America there is literally not a government program that doesn't have like 75% approval until you get to Nasa, and then it's like- fuck that shit- cut Nasa to the bone.  I've heard it's changing some amongst the younger generation and they are becoming as big pf comic book nerds and star wars loving types as the average suburban white kid. 

    My wife hates Star Wars, Star Trek and NASA as well.  

    Gil Scott-Heron hates him some NASA...and apparently whitey too.


  4. 4 minutes ago, immamac said:

    So Sark reads surly confirmed. lol

    That would be funny.  But seriously, what this indicates to me is that Sark has a level of introspection and humility that Tom never had, or at least never showed.  This alone bodes well for his growth as a coach, and will hopefully manifest itself in more consistent ass kickings of opponents on the football field in the very near future.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  5. 37 minutes ago, Ghost of Shag said:

    Damn y’all are way more optimistic on Ewers than I am.

    I think he is mindfucked, and beyond that, simply a bad, bad quarterback. Terrible decisions. Terrible mechanics. Not a leader. Deer in the headlights. So bad that we have to actually not use the QB position for anything but handing off to our badass RB room.

    He will shit his pants in Tuscaloosa next year.

    This seems like one of those posts that will get bumped several times next year to highlight what a terrible post it is.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Sbbruin said:

    Do you guys really look back on the Mack Brown era negatively?  Wow.

    I don't think we look at the MB era negatively...we look at the last 4 years of MB's tenure, and the way he left, negatively.  If he had retired after the 2009 NC game, he would still be remembered fondly around here.

  7. 21 minutes ago, statsman said:

    At the 2002 game, in Austin, as halftime was ending and their band was on the south end of our field, Texas kickers came out to the north side to warm up. Their fake soldiers chased our players off our field. There is a lot of pent up hostility burning in their hearts. 

    Did this actually happen?  If we allowed this, that's on us.

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