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Posts posted by 83Horn

  1. Sad story, but I think the story seems to have a couple inaccuracies in it.  Repeatedly characterizing the hit in the Cotton Bowl as a "helmet to helmet" hit is wrong.  He was hit on the shoulder, driven off his feet, and landed on the side of his head.  It was his head slamming into the ground that caused his helmet to come off and the concussion.

    I also question this part of the article:

    "Snead chose UT after graduating from high school in 2006. He believed famed quarterback Vince Young would be with the team for at least another year, giving him time to train and position himself to replace him."

    I seem to recall that he originally committed to Florida, and it was only AFTER Vince announced for the NFL, AND Florida signed Tim Tebow that Jevan flipped to Texas.  Am I misremembering this?

    • Like 2
  2. First episodes not encouraging.  Not terrible, but no narrative advancement since last season.  Setting up possible mayhem on a couple fronts later in the season, but I was kind of hoping for a bigger splash to start off the final season; however, unless this thing turns into Walking Dead level stupidity, I'll keep watching.

  3. Begins this Wednesday, 4 December on History channel.  Anyone still interested in this show?  Was really good for the first few seasons, but has fallen off.  I'll give it a chance, and unless it completely screws things up, I'll probably keep watching to the end.

  4. VW ad with some androgynous fuck wad walking around totally absorbed in their smart phone while music plays, "There is someone, right behind you, turn around, look at meeeeeeee."  Hey, you completely self absorbed douche... how about you peel your face away from your phone long enough to see what's going on around you, and stop expecting the rest of the world to work its way around you.  Asshole.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Sgt Hulk said:

    The lack of killer instinct and hatred is what hurts this team,  they get disrespected and shit on and they just let it slide off, they dont have any pride, they are ok with being ranked 124th in the nation,  they gave up 31 points to kendall.  Hurts will win the heisman in this game, if he doesnt go for 400 yards and 5 total tds ill be shocked.  we are going to have to outscore tehm because lincoln rileys offense shits all over our offense

    You don't say.  Genius take there.  Someone please let the team know they're going to have to outscore ousux if they want to win.  I'm also not convinced that the dirt burglars are any better than us.  Honest question; have they played anyone with a winning record this year?  Have they proven anything other than they look good against shitty teams?  I like our chances next week.

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  6. If you haven't seen it yet, when you're done with BoB, you may want to check out The Pacific.  Another great show that tells the stories of the Marines in WWII.  Word of advice though; don't expect it to be like BoB, or you'll be disappointed.  Whereas BoB follows the story of a single unit from boot camp, through deployment, the D-Day landings, across France to the end of the war, The Pacific follows the story of three individual Marines and their individual journeys during, and in the immediate aftermath of the war.  It may seem a bit disjointed at first, but by the latter part of the series the individual story lines start to converge and it all makes sense.  Very powerful show, and many, many dusty moments.

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  7. Hilton or Marriot; some hotel company;  woman who sounds like she's speaking through a cheap megaphone says, "It would be great if human beings were actually great at being human."  Hey, fuck you.  It would be greater if your ads weren't laden with sanctimonious bullshit.  I'm sick of being lectured about how I need to be a  better person.  Just STFU and concentrate on providing clean sheets and towels and cleaning the bathroom.

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