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Everything posted by 83Horn

  1. Is it two hours? My program guide is showing it from 9:00-10:01 pm, then several repeats in a row.
  2. Nice pic, but I don't think this is 1969. Billy was still clean shaven then, and with the Nudie suits, I'm guessing this was actually taken in the 1974-76 timeframe.
  3. "My wife is in Hell, where I sent her. She could make good biscuits, but her behavior was terrible." "I think this is our man."
  4. Hmmmm...Manning Mayo. Nice aliteration, but horrible imagery.
  5. If I recall correctly, he was also the only one who picked us to beat USC in the Rose Bowl. May history repeat itself.
  6. You guys are slipping. Two responses on this post, and no comment on the caboose on that little lady in the red sweatshirt?
  7. Sports reporters everywhere: "He's not denying that he's transferring."
  8. Looks like saxophone boy has a fine Hitler-esque mustache going on.
  9. Rockwell's right about 66Buff being right. That picture is straight out of the Eisenhower years.
  10. 83Horn

    RIP Laura Lynch

    Not really a fan of their music, but nobody deserves this, especially at this time of year. RIP https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/founding-dixie-chicks-member-dies-head-collision-texas-officials
  11. It's the fuckery that got him in this position in the first place.
  12. The common clay of the new west.
  13. This Jack Daniels commercial in black and white with all the scrunchy-faced guitar players is really starting to irritate me. It needs to stop.
  14. I submit "resiliency" for consideration. The word is "resilience".
  15. Based on OP's criteria, I think this one may fit. Opening number alone is worth the price of admission:
  16. I don't know if it's funny or sad that someone can so publicly cite "the Lord" as the impetus behind their decision making, and then make a completely opposite decision a few days later. Perhaps Benjamin Franklin is his personal lord and savior.
  17. No, but it is primarily where he does his masturbating. 😉
  18. 83Horn


    I remember reading that the video of Hendrix with the Stones was filmed backstage at Madison Square Garden in November 1969 as the Stones were preparing to go out and perform the set that was recorded for Get Yer Ya Yas out. I've often wondered if Hendrix's presence provided the extra juice they had that night, because the Stones were absolutely on top of their game that night.
  19. Seriously. Is she incapable of operating a telephone?
  20. They had us dead to rights? What does that even mean? After they leaked that we were joining the SEC, and tried to scuttle the deal, they were told by SEC leadership to sit down and shut the fuck up. They didn't have shit on us.
  21. Looks like she's really excited by the victory.
  22. This is one of the most mesmerizing things I've seen in a loooooooong time...and there have been too many pages without this on it.
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