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Posts posted by 83Horn

  1. On 9/1/2023 at 9:09 AM, thrillhammer said:

    so was leach, bryles, gundy, riley, kingsbury, tressell, saban, meyer, and on and on.  most headcoaches are assholes.  what's that got to do with it?   i'm just saying he has a great football mind and any team would be improved if they had him in the booth.

    We wouldn't

  2. 1 hour ago, Lidig8r said:

    Cotton Spyrer and Johnny Lam Jones check in and say... uh.. hi?

    I hate doing this, because Lam is a legend, but don't let his shiny, Olympic gold medal blind you to the fact that he was not a good wide receiver.  Elite speed, obviously, difficult to cover, but hands of stone.

  3. 5 hours ago, Patricio Swayze said:

    Aggy is weird. Jesus freaks are weird. Aggy Jesus freaks are weird and pathetic.


    Yeah, that wasn't Jesus that did all that for him.  It was losing...lots and lots of losing...decades of losing.  It causes resignation.  I know how it feels, and I imagine everyone on this site is familiar with this feeling.  Fortunately, our long, national nightmare seems to be ending.

  4. 18 hours ago, texifornia said:

    Today's poster is a little psychedelic - WWII apparently was making everyone a bit crazy


    WWII hadn't started when this game was played, at least not for the U.S., but LSD had already been invented, so who knows?

    • Like 1
  5. 21 hours ago, Hermanator said:

    Yes! I can't think of anything better for a stadium sing a long crowd song in Texas than a Toronto white boy singing Jamaican patois. 

    Isn't it weird how all the other examples here, the Enter Sandman and Jump Around, etc, from across the country were all from the 90s or 80s? Why are the kids at WVU and Wisconsin and everywhere else getting hype to songs that came out a decade+ before they were born? 

    One of the problems with using today's music is it is mostly pretty soft and there isn't "crowd friendly" rap like Jump Around. It's all pretty sexually explicit and violent. The shit my 18 yr old listens to isn't getting played anywhere. 

    That leaves not a lot to choose from. There's the newer prog metal that has some hype bangers like Silvera 

    but while it pumps for sure it doesn't really fit stadium atmosphere and the lyrics are way too political and not in a political direction Texas' ruling class would like. 

    Music has always been a reflection of the society and today's kids are growing up in a society in decline with tons of conflict combined with dystopian themes like isolation fueling depression and anxiety.  Therefore the pop/rock/rap music skews depressing and not much feel good stuff. 


    LOL at the bolded part.  There is a reason they stop playing that song after the first verse, and it's not time constraints.

    • Haha 1
  6. 23 hours ago, Nivek said:

    First day of school, no crossing guards.  Second day of school, no crossing guards.  This is for Oak Forest Elementary.   They fired the SPED teacher, replaced her with a regular 4th-grade teacher with no specialty (SPED training) and increased class sizes to 28 kids.   The Texas legislature target is 22 kids/class.  So the TEA needs exceptions from the TEAs rules?  

    On the first day of middle school (Frank Black) there was a fight.  My 6th grader has a teacher that told children they could not look out the window, she has a kindergarten-sized desk to embarrass kids whose eyes wander, told the students need to make eye contact, and have 45 seconds to do this task, 45 to that, 15 for another, etc. and decided to hold them after the bell just to fuck with them.   She also sent home a syllabus with instructions for the parents on supplies (what notebooks I could buy, what type of pencil sharpeners, etc.) and asked the kids to sign it and for the parents to complete a survey that had only single-option answers supporting her position.   I filled it out and let her know I disagreed with XYZ, this is middle school, not the United States Marine Corps, and then communicated with the school my son needs a new teacher as this one is unfit for the role without a full-time aide to reign her in.  

    I am prepared to write a note (which may contain words like 'cunt' and my phone number) and give it to my son to hand to the teacher in the event he feels it necessary for me to intervene.   The dumb cunt wants the kids to have an app on their mobile devices but not let them use their mobile devices.  It is against my belief to give a kid a phone, she also informed us the kid will have to figure out their own grade.  

    Then I receive a tone-def email from the principal celebrating a great start to the school year.  One that started with a fist-fight amongst some 8th graders.   I guess she has the "at least no one got raped" mentality.  

    When my family first moved to Houston in 1970, I had a brother and a sister who attended for a couple years what was then Black Junior High School .  There were frequent incidents of racial fights, drug dealing and police raids on the school 50 years ago.  Seems not much has changed.

    • Rage+1 1
  7. April 1979 - Saw Muddy Waters open for Eric Clapton at the Summit in Houston

    1987 - Saw Johnny Winter open for George Thorogood at Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, MD.  Kind of an insult if you're a blues fan, that a master should open for a talentless poser.

    September 1981 - Saw Stevie Ray Vaughan open for Johnny Winter at the Austin Opera House.  I love me some Johnny, but while he was great, he was a wee bit off that night, and Stevie was on...like REALLY on.  Between the two of them, that was probably the finest night of live music I've ever experienced.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    Mostly true but now if you have a full sleeve, you're an artisanal chef or something.  Actually, sleeves are OK even in corporate America now but face tats never have been and never will be, ever.

    You say that now, but that's what everyone thought about full sleeves a generation ago.  The idiocracy is real.

    • Rage+1 1
  9. On 8/5/2023 at 8:27 PM, DixonHur said:

    Already did David Lee Ross, but I'll add these Dave's...



    David Lee Ross???  Anyway, no list of the greatest rock vocalists is complete without a mention of Eric Burdon.

    • Haha 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Gatorubet said:

    Those are both excellent points.

    I watched All the President’s  Men recently, and it was sort of charmingly naïve the extent to which the reporters all had to double check sources before they reported anything.  Now two wackos on wacko blogs report something, and 15 minutes later you see it on Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC.


  11. 4 hours ago, Paper_jam said:

    This gripe especially applies to online news, but print journalism as well. It's maddening how many news articles leave out critical details or information. You see reports about proposed or adopted legislation that don't identify the bill number or author. You see accident reports that have no real description of the persons, vehicles, or locations involved, or who is at fault. Crime coverage is the worst: the articles are so generic you can't even tell what really happened. A good news report should include enough detail so the reader can form a complete picture of the events in their mind.

    If you read a modern news article about a murder, it will go something like: "Police apprehended a person of interest after a body was found Tuesday night on the sidewalk in the 7000 block of Shipley Road.  The cause of death is under investigation. A police spokesperson said the death is believed to be an isolated incident and is not a continuing threat to the public."

    If you read a newspaper article in 1955 about the same incident, it would read something like this:

    "Police arrested a male suspect, Jonathan Frakes, 29, a white man, in connection with the murder of Jennifer Jones Jackson, 22, of Pflugerville, an unmarried woman. Jackson's body was found at 10:18 PM Tuesday, on the sidewalk just outside Franklin Sporting Goods store at 7216 Shipley Road. The body had deep stab wounds to the torso and the victims' upper clothing had been removed.  Police said that Frakes did not previously know the victim, but went into a murderous rage when the victim made a gesture which implied he had a small penis. This reporter interviewed a neighbor living in an apartment adjacent to Mr. Frakes' , Mr. Jake Moss, who stated that it was well known within the building that Frakes had a tendency to react violently to any sign of disrespect. Frakes was taken to Travis County Jail for holding, his arraignment is scheduled for Monday."

    It's like news today is intentionally sanitized to be free of details like motives, timelines, relationships, everything that would make it interesting. 



    That 1955 article would probably also have had a photo of Ms. Jackson's lifeless, bloody body lying on the sidewalk, and perhaps a photo of a handcuffed, disheveled Mr. Frakes looking like he had just done 15 rounds with Rocky Marciano.

  12. 13 hours ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    We just adopted this guy today. We're still working on names. He's going to be a big boy being 25 pounds at 14 weeks. 





    I don't know shit about dog breeds, but he kind of looks like a Belgian Malinois (sp?) hooked up with a Great Dane and came up with this cutie.  He looks like a Brutus.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  13. 1 hour ago, PRONG HORN said:


    Okay, so I see B.B. King, Howlin' Wolf (I think) and Muddy Waters.  Should I be embarrassed that I don't recognize the big guy on the right?  I don't think that's Willie Dixon.  Is that Willie Dixon?

  14. 18 hours ago, Royale with cheese said:

    I, for one, am in the vast majority of long-time fans of one of the greatest rivalries in all of CFB--probably the greatest--who are fed up with some corporate marketing department telling some pencil-dick intern who doesn't know sheep shit from wild honey when it comes to real football, because he probably identifies as a girl anyway, that the pure and unadulterated sobriquet of "The OU Game," which stood for, oh, 100 years or so (and is 63-50-5 in favor of UT), is woefully insufficient as a title, and that what we need is a catchy corporate branding moniker that'll help us sell more Lite Beer, or Chevrolet pickups, or cut-rate auto insurance, or some such, totally without regard to the value of history and  tradition, and without offending any self-styled protected class in the process, and while you're at it, make it the longest run-on sentence in the history of marketing and promotion, and by the way, we need it tomorrow. That's where I am on this "Red River Whatever-The-fuck" bullshit, and I refuse to compromise. 

    Phlegm?  Is that you?

    • Haha 1
  15. 1 hour ago, DFW Horn said:

    Lol.....poooooooor aggy

    "Respect among member institutions".  LOFL

    If they respected you, they wouldn't have stabbed you in the back, dumbass.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 6
  16. 16 hours ago, Helobious said:

    They’re throwing the best pitcher the college game has seen maybe ever tomorrow. I think they feel just fine.

    Okay, this is it.  Betting the house on Florida, and Skenes doesn't make it out of the 3rd.

    • Drool 1
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