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Posts posted by 83Horn

  1. 3 hours ago, Helobious said:

    Former pitcher here, some say the greatest to ever take the mound on a Texas high school field. 

    Pitching 2 days after throwing 50 pitches is not nothing. You long tossed before the game, you threw in the bullpen, you threw between innings. You’re gonna do it all again two days later. While that doesn’t match the intensity of a game pitch it all adds up. It’s different for everyone but adrenaline is gonna get you through the first inning or so. Once your pitch count starts climbing you’re really going to feel that shit more than normal. I’d be shocked if he goes longer than 2-3 innings.


    quoted the wrong fucker

    Was this meant as a joke?  It's hard to tell sometimes.  So just to be clear, you're saying you're kind of like the Uncle Rico of Texas high school baseball?

    • Haha 3
  2. 2 hours ago, Pimphand said:

    Imagine Aggy having gone undefeated only to have not played for the national championship and for the team to have lost that national championship game having been forced to vacate all their wins later on down the road. That would have been the ultimate nut punch not sure why that is so hard to grasp....

    Not hard to grasp at all, but it would not have been sad at all.  It would have been glorious.

  3. 10 hours ago, Longboard Horn said:

    Poona Ford 


    I love this picture.  I want to believe that this image still haunts BM in his dreams nightmares.  The one where he's stuck running in slow motion as Poona is bearing down on him. 

  4. 5 hours ago, GhostofDanJones said:


    The Challenger 17 Squadron, a squadron of the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets, was formed in 1986 as the “Challenger Seven.” Each member of the squadron represents one of the seven astronauts who died aboard Challenger — with the idea of the cadets serving as a living memorial.

    I'm sorry, but those folks on the Challenger didn't die to be a memorial like this. If anything, it's disrespectful. 


    Jesus, Mary and Joseph...these assclowns will leech on to anything in order to reflect more "honor" on themselves.  The epitome of stolen honor.  They are such an embarrassment to the State of Texas.

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  5. 20 minutes ago, Dennis Taylor said:

    Yes it's over




    I don't know if it's sad or funny that I can't tell if this is a picture of a building on aggy's campus, or the federal prison where Ms. Holmes will be spending the next decade, or so.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  6. 13 hours ago, Valmy77 said:

    Runners up in 84, 85, and 89. Oh what could have been.

    Don't forget the 1982 team.  They weren't runner-up in the CWS, but that team was stacked.  Their season record was 59-6, with the last two of those losses coming in Omaha.  Those '80s teams always seemed invincible.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 42 minutes ago, Pam Cummings said:

    The time jump fucked this show up. It's just too unbelievable. Am i really supposed to believe that Janice Moss' dad hasn't aged one bit in like 15 years? That he is capable still of knocking out a full grown man and dragging the dead weight to his basement without being noticed?


    Hell, forget that even. The dude is capable of torturing a guy into speaking German but he can't track down Barry? Bullshit. Bullshit all around, what a stupid story line.

    I don't think there was a time jump.  I believe last week's episode, and most of this week's was all a fantasy inside Barry's head.  That last image of Barry and Janice's dad sitting face to face was back to present time.  At least, that's my theory.

  8. 13 minutes ago, BamaATL said:

    Well, first you need to start with the significance of the numbers.

    19:09, international dating would place that as September 19 or 9/19 - not a coincidence at all, this is a celebration of the publishing of the Unabomber's manifesto, clearly.  

    9 is representative of the end of the life cycle in the Hindu belief system and revered in their culture.  Given the new age bullshit word hygge, this is clearly related.  

    The choice of Danish as a cover for all this is curious, until I read about the Hells Angels MC in Denmark and I tied it all together. 



    What you have here, clearly, is an anti technology motorcycle gang member and meth dealer that is versed in new ageism, the end of all things, and idolizes Ted Kacyznski.


    Stop being sheeple and open your eyes!


    This is the kind of shit that keeps me coming back to Surly.

  9. 14 hours ago, wild_turkey said:

    If increasing the age to purchase a semi-automatic rifle from 18 to 21 would prevent one mass shooter event every 5 years, do you think that would be worth it? Why or why not?

    A couple honest questions; 1) How many of these mass shootings are committed by 18-20 year olds?, 2) If just one 18-20 year old would be able to use a semi-automatic rifle to stop just one home invasion, armed robbery, assault, etc., would it be worth it to you?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 41 minutes ago, Longboard Horn said:


    I like how JWinTX overtly admits that aggy can't compete with Texas in recruiting, resources or viewership.  He probably didn't realize he was doing so, either.  Fuck 'em.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 11 hours ago, bschoolprof said:

    Real or dream sequence?

    I'm thinking the whole episode was a dream sequence.  There was just enough "weirdness" about it that made it dream-like, such as standing watch outside his house from dark until dawn without moving, the interactions with his son, etc.  Also, there is no way that Cousineau could have survived on his own in the wilderness for eight years, especially after having had his little accident in the previous episode, right?  The man couldn't even order his own food if left alone.

  12. 3 hours ago, OU Sucks said:

    Porter could've grabbed a coffee before making that throw

    Imagine being that poor fucker tagging up, thinking you're about to tie up the game, but then when you're only about 2/3 the way to home plate, the ball zips past your head..."furk!"  Ha...fuck 'em.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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