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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by kwood4408

  1. Plus her analogy makes no sense if we are talking about aggy.
  2. Shocking that a bunch of pitchers don’t care about playing for the good ag batting coach.
  3. So his announcement was a video talking about himself and Oregon. Moving on
  4. So are the OTF HI’s for Texas or other schools?
  5. Good thing Colin Simmons live fed his Oregon announcement
  6. I love the made up “I talked to so and so and they completely agree with me that aggy got screwed” stories.
  7. So I get that the DTs are all coming off the board and going elsewhere but are we expecting any commits at other positions soon?
  8. Not unless we are recruiting a bunch of out of shape 30 year olds.
  9. Was at the Comal yesterday and saw a bunch of people get arrested and they were almost all white.
  10. I have had discussions with a bunch of colleagues from SEC schools (my company is based in ATL) and the extent of the conversations have been, “good move, it will be fun.” They then ask about areas to stay in Austin when their team plays us at home. Not 1 person has ever talked about how we entered the SEC let alone how aggy entered.
  11. My bad, spelled through wrong as I typed angrily.
  12. Step 1 Fire Pierce Step 2 bring in an entirely new team threw the portal.
  13. We love hitting into double plays.
  14. Moved away from SA during the 2000s and got back in 2012 so my bad.
  15. Are we thinking of the same SA Madison team, not exactly a powerhouse program? Although Streety was a great longtime coach.
  16. I agree but the staff seems to want 2 RBs in every class.
  17. That brand makes some pretty nice gear, this one just happens to look like ass. Not exactly cheap either which will price out most of those clowns.
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