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Everything posted by Horn117

  1. Joey Freshwater trolls aggy on the reg. He gets a pass.
  2. I think I remember in the KKL thread she broke up with them. Said she'd always be an aggy at heart or some weird shit. I miss that crazy bitch.
  3. This reminds me of old school 90's Austin public access prank calls. So good.
  4. How can anyone walk into his strip mall office and say, "Yep, I'll take some insurance from you" This is pure insanity. And the sad thing is, there are many more just like him. But daddy has the self awareness of a snail and will continue to blast this shit weekly. With his goddamn personal info in his signature. You almost have to respect his lack of giving a fuck.
  5. Who the fuck is @Spider2YBanana? Some dipshit that clogs the boards daily?
  6. I think the cringiest/creepiest is when they make shit up they want the coaches to say. That's really fucking bizarre.
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