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Everything posted by Horn117

  1. White sleeve dude gonna lose his fucking mind. I feel bad for his fam when he gets home. Like win or lose, that dude is going to fuck something up in the kitchen. *beer
  2. Why do these weirdo pitchers always talk to themselves? Oh yeah... aggy. Remember that crackhead screaming in his glove a few years back when we played them? Insane.
  3. I'm a fan of the Freddy Kruger uniforms. And also maybe sending KU home.
  4. Hopefully? You hope we win and then shit the bed again in the dance? Why? Hopefully..... we blow out KU and then two step our asses to the Final Four. Ride or die bitch.
  5. Poor Warren. Checking in on his own Surly thread thinking people are hyping him. Nope.
  6. Who gives a fuck. It's tasteless but it's also Surly. So.... maybe we can all just watch aggy burn on a Sunday? If threads on texags are being nuked you know it's bad.
  7. Is this real life? Is this a jab at Arch? Same odds as their QB that's been in a program and didn't just step on campus...
  8. Zach Evans is about to brake it off. I hope he remembers how shitty his visit was and goes nuts. What a weird recruitment.
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