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Everything posted by cdain3

  1. Especially considering he had a shitty start.
  2. Idiot GMs happened to him.
  3. Lol this is getting ridiculous.
  4. Herman is an idiot if he allows either on campus. Jones is as brain washed as they come.
  5. Mike Roach Hmmm
  6. After watching End Game and realizing I have to deal with this shit Sunday.
  7. Legendary weekend
  8. The thot finally responded to Jordan. Good for him.
  9. I fucking hate body doubles.
  10. Gendry gets raped again.
  11. Old freaky nasty
  12. Overshown is gonna kill someone.
  13. In other news, Texarkana High school has better facilities than us. Damn..
  14. Holy fucking shit
  15. Plus the dirty ass mirror.
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