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Everything posted by cdain3

  1. Fuck these counts. They ain't shit.
  2. I'm so fucking drunk. This is amazing.
  3. Mond is the luckiest QB I've ever seen.
  4. ND should be forced to join a conference after this ass whooping.
  5. This is the most points vandy has given up all year.
  6. He gone.
  7. Has he taken an official to Texas?
  8. Agreed. He's in it for the clicks. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  9. You have to keep him one more year.
  10. So Sanders is afraid of Holyfield but not Jacob's and Najee Harris? Smdh
  11. He's a Trey Sermon type back. Nothing we haven't seen.
  12. The same thing Giles does.
  13. Can't believe people actually listen to this idiot.
  14. Is that Florida's locker room? Yuck
  15. https://www.hudl.com/video/3/8445642/5be9c47e4dec61088cf69fdd Kid is legit
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