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Hookah Horns

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    The Duke of Surl

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  1. Lol. I knew this administration was going to be the worst thing to ever happen to the country, but apparently even I failed to imagine just how fucked up even the most mundane aspects of government are going to be. I'm seriously going to have to avoid reading any news for the next 4 years or I will lose my mind and explode in rage.
  2. Dan Patrick is a fucking scoundrel who doesn't give a shit about this state. I'm so tired of Texas politics, it's just so depressing.
  3. Seems kinda fallacious to say that there's no reason to worry bc the fda has already done bad things.
  4. Isn't it incredible how consistently horrible it is? It's hard to account for why exactly that is.
  5. I don't know how anyone cares even a little about his initial cabinet picks. Every one of them will be fired and replaced before long, and the same goes for their replacements as well.
  6. It's always been about destroying the government to own the libs. Because they're proving government doesn't work, you see.
  7. This is going to be the most openly corrupt administration in history.
  8. Trump wouldn't lift a finger for Taiwan. What have they done for Trump?
  9. I have to stop paying any attention to news/politics for my own sanity. I'll just be blissfully ignorant until the shit hits the fan.
  10. Nah, you said the US isn't supposed to need a savior leader, and then provided a quote referring to the basic concept of govt of the people for the people in support. And then you argued that saying the US isn't a monarchy is the same as saying the US doesn't need a leader to save it. Apparently you think only a monarch could save a country(?) It doesn't really make sense. Hopefully you're drunk or something.
  11. Are you saying it's stupid for Ukraine to defend itself?
  12. I'll never understand people voting for a guy who's clearly committed crimes against the united states and plays footsy with or is in bed with one of our enemies while saying vile shit constantly. Not sure how much is stupidity vs evil, and honestly don't really care. I resent the shit out of them either way.
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