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Hookah Horns

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Everything posted by Hookah Horns

  1. Yep, this is good explanation for how we end up with every large service provider having absolute shit for customer service, whether it's making it practically impossible to get a live person on the phone with the ability to help, or making us talk to poorly paid ESL foreigners who are frequently difficult to understand.
  2. Curious what you mean exactly re: writing and language.
  3. Surprised there hasnt been more discussion about this unbelievable garbage. Agree that this came from Miller, but whoever signed their name to it should be kicked out of federal court at a minimum. Idk how the judge was so restrained in his order. I hope it's not indicative of anything.
  4. That counselor profits from people's trauma. Of course she voted for Trump.
  5. I don't see the military saying fuck you to scotus for dotard.
  6. None of these lower court rulings matter much in the big picture. But things are way easier for cheeto dick if the supremes ultimately rubber stamp all this shit than if they actually throw the Constitution at him. I don't think he wants that smoke.
  7. These headlines about the regime "considering" stuff is total bullshit. This has all been planned for a long time by the far-right gremlins Dotard has handed the GQP over to.
  8. Yep, all MAGAts parrot the same stupid, unfunny, bigoted and ignorant shit they get handed down from their idiot influencers.
  9. He did. Unfortunately for @Zeus, it was just more shit.
  10. LMAO at claiming indigent status when making $10k/month. "All I have is these 3 profitable businesses 😢"
  11. The funniest and saddest part is all these idiots will continue voting R because of wokeism or fear of Dems taking their guns or some other dumb ass reason.
  12. This is just Roberts saying "don't worry, daddy, we'll take care of it."
  13. Would've sworn that was Rudy G.
  14. These people are willing to torch the Constitution, our allies, our economy and way of life at the altar of their god-king. Not too surprising that they're not all that worried about the Flag Code.
  15. Those DC cops are huge pussies. Seems like almost everyone keeps laying down for the regime and it's bitterly disappointing.
  16. I could see this happening. Unfortunately, Dotard would see it as a good excuse for suspending habeas corpus, imposing martial law, seizing liberal media outlets, et cetera.
  17. I've known Americans are dumbasses for a while now, and after Trump won in November I didn't think it was possible to shock me any more. But Trump having his highest approval ever right now is absolutely mind blowing shit. This is truly a dystopia.
  18. SIAP but this makes me want to KMS. https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-notches-all-time-high-approval-rating-as-dems-hit-new-low/
  19. That can be said for a ton of shit that they're doing. Over/under on the filibuster getting nuked? I say it happens by fall.
  20. I feel violent.
  21. I definitely didn't foresee that it'd be a bunch of mega rich Stanford and Ivy League douchebags who dismantled academia. These sick fuckers who already have more many than god and live like kings yet, instead of just enjoying life and (God forbid) trying to help other people, somehow are insatiably driven to stomp on people below them and accrete more power are the absolute biggest pieces of shit not named Donald this country has ever produced.
  22. Hell, a lot of them don't even watch the "news" portions of Fox News that has at least some basis in reality and current events. Rather, they only tune in for the pure, undiluted propaganda from the opinion shows, which informs them of absolutely nothing going on except what extremely distorted and/or exaggerated liberal boogeyman to get riled up about today even though it has zero effect on your life (the green m&m, Dr. Seuss, etc).
  23. Fucking ENRAGES me. And don't forget he's been an extremely obvious, barely-trying-to-hide-it Russian asset for 10 years now.
  24. Too much of a pussy to really get off the train and vote for the vastly lesser of two evils.
  25. The MAGA fever dream era will be even more unbelievable to those studying it at a remove many decades in the future. Assuming we prevail and some kind of normalcy returns.
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