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Everything posted by StruggleBus

  1. A good read on DQ’ing a player for cheating in KFT Q school https://firepitcollective.com/q-school-dq/
  2. Y’all some whiny bitches
  3. Three drinks? Where are we, Cheddar’s?
  4. Y’all must have sucked ass
  5. The Rockport beach is good if you have little kids. It stays shallow forever. The only issue is that you have to be around people that are at the Rockport beach.
  6. So basically you’re Phil Mickelson and Ima is Pat Perez
  7. He's not wrong. Offering free tuition for degrees that add next to no value is terrible idea. I have first hand experience. I got a degree from UT that has no value. It was a poor choice and poor choices shouldn't be subsidized.
  8. Yeah I have one, but it's from the college of liberal arts so there isn't much value in it either way.
  9. This is like bragging about having a rich uncle. If I'm not seeing a penny of that money then I don't give a shit.
  10. Damn, this thread got Jimmyjazzed
  11. The tour needs to give up its non profit status and start taking money from investors. The only way to fight this is with money.
  12. I mean, from the neck down. Unfortunately she looks just like Pat Perez in the face.
  13. Jesus. Attorneys are way poorer than I thought
  14. Swing and miss. I have no problem with outsourcing work and my business does it quite a bit. But trying to claim moral superiority over your "minimum pay" while outsourcing lower-paying tasks is pathetic.
  15. No, it's not impressive at all. Outsourcing all of your entry level work so you can boast that your minimum pay is $70k is not impressive. It's fucking pathetic.
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