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Everything posted by StruggleBus

  1. Maybe that annoying bitch will finally stop popping up on LinkedIn now
  2. I would have invested that 27 million in emu farms
  3. Y’all gonna melt hard when he’s president, huh.
  4. Only Patrick Reed could make me side with Brandel Chamblee. Fuck that moron.
  5. Ain't this the goddamn truth right here
  6. Texas has a better shot at beating Alabama than Beto does at winning this election. Stop it.
  7. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Doesn’t even feel like the same show as when Chuck was around.
  8. Cabana bowl with extra fajitas at 2am was my go to. Wake up the next morning and rip nasty wet farts the entire next day.
  9. 8am sounds amazing. I'd love it if my daughters let me sleep until 630
  10. I'm pretty sure DaggerHorns wears affliction shirts
  11. No, but the players bolting are starting to trend younger as opposed to twilight of career guys. Like I said, this is starting to look very not good.
  12. Rumor is Cam Young will be joining Cam Smith in leaving. This is starting to look very not good.
  13. Seems like a legit reason if true. However, they probably should have told them that, not that they just “weren’t comfortable.”
  14. No, she'll make bank. Who gives a fuck
  15. Most people can't afford to replace their belongings while waiting for insurance to pay out.
  16. Driving like that in a residential neighborhood should result in a minimum of twenty years in prison.
  17. I mean, real estate needs a correction. This isn't sustainable.
  18. Yeah, he gone.
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