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Everything posted by StruggleBus

  1. What happened to Beach and Station Street?
  2. I'm pulling my travel trailer to Colorado this weekend. I get around 8mpg pulling it with my F250. So yeah, looking at around $1250 in gas for the trip
  3. This might be a rude wakeup call for millions. Many younger professionals have only had to get jobs in a candidate's market.
  4. So does everyone else unfortunately
  5. Homes starting to sit on the market and prices are starting to go down where my wife and I are looking (Boerne and Bulverde).
  6. Tommy Fleetwood no longer pitching for ECU
  7. 1/6 was worse than 9/11. Period. Not even comparable. Our government was almost overthrown in a bloody coup attempt.
  8. Does that make the titties hang towards the chin?
  9. It's transitory, therefore your opinion is invalid
  10. Talk about outkicking your coverage
  11. I know 12 or so people that have had it in the last couple weeks. All have tested positive on rapid tests once symptoms were present. And none of them got PCR tests or bothered going to the doctor, so yeah, case counts are massively underreported right now.
  12. Anyway, in my opinion, now is the time for the DP World Tour to do something. Allow the LIV players to gain OWGR points on their tour while the PGA tour is busy banning people. The Euro Tour has sucked shit through a straw for years and this could be their best chance to get better players to play there.
  13. Can't blame any of the guys that join LIV. $100 million guaranteed to join 8 events? You fucking kidding me?
  14. Even the thought of getting back into WoW makes me cringe
  15. It looks like gravity just pulls harder on Ceelo Green
  16. Is it bad that the 3500 year old houses in Iraq are in better shape than the 35 year old houses in Iraq?
  17. Well fuck
  18. Did they change it so you can only request two tickets now for Thurs through Sun? I thought it used to be four. Maybe that means we will have more winners this year.
  19. Living in a west campus apartment while at UT: Wednesday night: Someone busts out my drivers side glass and steals the stereo in my car Thursday afternoon: Someone steals the parking permit from my car before I replace the window Thursday night: Car gets towed for not having a parking permit Friday night: Front tooth knocked out during drunken shenanigans Following week: Car gets stolen while parked on the street since I no longer have a parking pass
  20. That's the best part about working in an office. Ripping diarrhea farts in the toilet while your pathetic underlings are in the restroom listening is an all time flex.
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