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Everything posted by StruggleBus

  1. Fuck the Russians (unless it's an inconvenience to germans due to our terrible energy policy)! /germany
  2. That's it, let's put a warrant out for their arrest
  3. Pretty sure all of those dudes are dead
  4. Fuck Mexico
  5. This is how all of the shitty political posts in DT start
  6. That’s just your opinion
  7. That’s just your opinion
  8. Do you really need an explanation?
  9. I have 10 bags of funyuns and an extra large bottle of lubriderm
  10. I think you may have misread that
  11. Yeah, but he's still a lawyer. Which means everyone hates him. Because lawyers are the worst.
  12. If you want your kids to get vaporized, yes
  13. What I’m gods name are you babbling about
  14. You really sure you’re ready for nuclear war?
  15. Yeah because being against fascism is bad /randomguythatconstantlydefendsantifa
  16. Fuck man, took the words out of my mouth
  17. And then stories about the hot lesbian sex?
  18. Making random people from Russia the “enemy” is stupid.
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