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Everything posted by StruggleBus

  1. They should just do away with SOTU’s. It’s embarrassing
  2. Imagine Nicole in a US vs Russia nuclear war thread.
  3. Meanwhile, the German fish is cutting deals with the Russian shark. It's actually buying other dead fish on the black market from the shark and taking those fish home to feed it's families. All while telling us about how great of a fish it is.
  4. Please don't compare war to college football. It's just not right. College football is much more important.
  5. Where are these people driving to in the middle of a bloody invasion?
  6. Anyone claiming that we should get involved is an idiot. Period.
  7. I agree. There is a large chunk of typically anti-war people that seem to want war with Russia. And those people are literally retarded.
  8. Fuck them. They've depended on us for security for years while simultaneously making deals against NATO's interests.
  9. Amazing that so many here in the US are starting to clamor for war. Fuck Russia and I hope they get their ass kicked, but none of this nonsense is worth getting involved militarily.
  10. Man, I admire y’all for trying to be good people, but fuck that. Ukraine sucks.
  11. Does it matter if internal organs are crushed when the body is vaporized?
  12. That’s exactly what you’re doing. Germany’s energy policy failures are theirs and theirs alone, and have nothing to do with any former US administration.
  13. Fuck Germany. They are the absolute worst. There are plenty of lessons to be learned here from an energy policy perspective, but we all know that it will have no effect on US policy.
  14. Fucking moronic energy policy in Western Europe got us here.
  15. This is feeling more and more like something that could spiral into a east vs west global war. Really hope that’s not the case. Fuck Russia.
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