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Everything posted by StruggleBus

  1. So South Austin’s mom has an office
  2. Good. If you drink and drive you’re a selfish shithead that deserves to be shot in the face.
  3. Showing up to work sick is an American right protected by the constitution
  4. Between 0 and 100% on all counts
  5. And your mother is a whore
  6. He's bitching about his cows while running a 102 fever. So the same as usual just with a 102 fever. All in all, fine I guess.
  7. My unvaccinated uncle, who caught delta at the end of the summer peak, now has Omicronzzzzzz.
  8. These stories were pretty common with the original virus and previous variants.
  9. I don’t think the at home tests will tell you much if you aren’t symptomatic
  10. My wife has had it for a week. Super mild. Hasn’t passed it to me or my 4 and 6 year olds despite us being around her nonstop.
  11. You report it in your garage, drinking beer (alone)
  12. There are still contact tracers?
  13. Why are you going to large gatherings if you’re that worried about it?
  14. Uh, no, not happening. There might be short term closures if too many staff members have it but most of the country has moved on.
  15. My family gets along and generally enjoys each other’s presence. Sorry for ruining your black panther party.
  16. It’s transitory you racist transhopic asshole!
  17. That’s a really fancy title for a bean counter
  18. Honestly I wouldn’t go scorched earth on her. At the end of the day, her entire job is based around you not having to do the grunt work. I always liked to throw my BDR’s bones. Yeah, I’ll accept any meeting you send over and help you get paid more. I’ll even move a few to stage two that are questionable. But in return you can’t set demos. You follow my guidance when it comes to targeting accounts, messaging, calls to action, etc. You’d be shocked at how much better they will perform if they actually like you.
  19. I mean an SDR doesn't report to an AE but every sales org I've the SDR's do whatever the AE wants. Including sex.
  20. You control the process. Get her to change the call to action. If someone is willing to take a demo, they'll be willing to take a discovery call. If you're selling enterprise there is bound to be some type of customization that will help you at the demo stage if you get proper discovery first. Or just do what I used to do when I sold enterprise. Use the first half hour set aside for the demo to do discovery. Use the second half of the meeting to show most important parts of the product based on need. Loop in decision makers or other stakeholders on the next call for a deep dive/technical demo. Or just have sex with your SDR. Your call.
  21. Shart 2021 thread going to be missing a few posts
  22. Is there even a need to get a 14 year old a booster?
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