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Everything posted by ajax

  1. I figured it out. That music reminded me of the music from Dark City. Maybe they're all on a giant spaceship.
  2. The ominous music that was playing during episode 9 sounded so familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. It's driving me crazy.
  3. He's gruff but he usually gives in to her. It seems he really cares about her when he's not too wrapped up in his own shit.
  4. The only likeable characters this season are Chelsea and Rick.
  5. My theory...
  6. I'm going to hell for laughing sh3gotgame_20250108_reel_3541254922819942570_1_3541254922819942570.mp4
  7. Seems like Montez is tired of this bitch's antics
  8. Off topic - Neil Gaiman being a complete fucking creep is the least surprising thing ever. Guy always gave off a creepy vibe.
  9. 1 omg girl, 2 flippin the bird girl, 3 "fuck!!!" girl But it's close
  10. Iphones attached to a 6 figure rig maybe.
  11. "emu-tional damage" <- from the comments
  12. I love Dimebag and I would say the traditional rest in peace. Rest in metal just sounds stupid.
  13. Saying "rest in power" when people pass away is hyper cringe. Same for "rest in metal" for rock musicians or any of the other variants.
  14. Why does every other ad on Facebook look vaguely like genitalia? You're not fooling me Facebook. I know what you're doing. Case in point
  15. ajax


    Can he teach Malik how to play the ball? That Scattebo pass should have been an easy interception.
  16. Today I learned that the apocryphal story about Napoleon writing to Josephine "I'm coming home in XX days, don't wash" is indeed total bullshit. This whole time I thought Napoleon was a fan of stank pussy. But his only known writing about female genital smell was this - So it was quite the opposite. He liked odorless puss. I've been lied to my entire life.
  17. Ahahaha Fuck you baylor
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