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Everything posted by ajax

  1. I know nothing about any of this. I didn't even know Doherty had a reputation for being difficult. But this just popped up on my Twitter feed today. It seems like Alyssa Milano was the difficult one on their show. It's telling that the other two actresses stand by Doherty.
  2. Some young'uns playing some retro rock and it's not bad
  3. Sure she's cute but do you have what it takes? She may be wearing heels but hayden christensen is 6 feet tall.
  4. Yes you are
  5. Help me out here. Why does the whole internet hate these girls? They seem harmless. And the spastic girl in the glasses and trench coat is giving me a weird boner. She seems like she'd be fun in the sack, in a bipolar way.
  6. I pity the motherfucker who dares serves me this
  7. Those are some significant obstacles right there
  8. Karol G and Tiesto basically copied this song* and scored a #1 hit. *with Leona Lewis's blessing so technically it's not ripping her off.
  9. wtf is happening here?
  10. If you want left leaning why would you even consider Franklin? Isn't it the most conservative Nashville suburb?
  11. Age of Adeline Surprisingly good. Mrs Deadpool is really hot and her acting isn't bad. Harrison Ford and Ellen Burstyn were excellent.
  12. X is getting hitched
  13. So is Darth Bortles the good guy?
  14. Thirty seconds of humping, a lifetime of therapy
  15. How bad is Lena Dunham looking these days, lemme check.... .... .... .... Okay, do I have to finish in order to get the money?
  16. I have a suggestion. Instead of posting a random video of your favorite band, try to find a video essay from YouTube discussing why the band is great. I find those videos fascinating. Obviously Nirvana and Van Halen don't need a video essay. We all know why they're great. But if your favorite band isn't an icon, I'd love to learn more about their history. Like here's a video from a guy who argues that my favorite band is the most innovative and important band of its generation.
  17. PRS has some single coil shaped humbuckers called NF (narrowfield) that some people love. No experience with them though. However, when I was a dumbass teenager with zero knowledge about guitars and wiring I successfully put Duncan Hot Rails in my cheap knockoff strat. Those were great.
  18. My favorite band - Bring Me the Horizon They really cross different genres. There albums can be unrecognizable from each other. Like these two songs couldn't be more different but they can pull it off.
  19. I guess my previous post was lost during the hack/outage. Vintage instruments are cool, but my hope is someday I'll have the tools and the skills to be able to build cool and wacky guitars like this. I would love to be able to build something for my son, who is 10x the guitarist I am. He fell in love with music instead of falling in love with guitar playing, which is what I did. And this pallet wood guitar is really cool. I love the fret markers he put on it. Really subtle and elegant.
  20. Get a big-ass router and put an Evertune in it.
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