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Everything posted by StassneyHorn

  1. Just looked it up, Pat Fitzgerald is suing Northwestern for 130 million dollars after the hazing termination he denied knowing anything about. Imagine suing your alma mater for 130 million after you already earned tens of millions from them. I think its 62 million for whats owed from remaining contract and future earnings of 68. Numbers might be switched.
  2. Pre or post announcement to S&P 500?
  3. DJIA and S&P 500 at new all time highs. Joey Stonks did that.
  4. Either returned or just bring it with them to in person early voting.
  5. Damn a lot of you ooze masculinity. Do you go to men.com first thing in the morning?
  6. Michigan women outvoting men bigly in early voting
  7. https://election.lab.ufl.edu/early-vote/2024-early-voting/2024-general-election-early-vote-pennsylvania/ Some nice visuals and graphics for Pennsylvania
  8. No, I’m also not an edgy 24 year old with hot takes on jerseys. Basketball jerseys are worn at every pool in America. Hockey jerseys are cool too. But look at all of you taking the last name of some other guy from literal birth.
  9. Did Joe Biden tweet something mean? Or is this just a cry for someone to give a shit about the Middle East?
  10. Please tell us how all you rough, tough men got to pick your last names
  11. Not sad, just giving advice if you want interaction with whatever this is for people to click on it. Immamac has monetized the board, so yea, they’re might actually be money to be made (not you tho).
  12. No, like naming the person, the state, their position, and a nice little editorializing. This is just clickbait and sad.
  13. Since he used a machete, to kill whatever this fucking mass of indistinguishable blob is, did OP post a video of a dude beating his meat? Is OP geh?
  14. The porn is too good
  15. When Kamala wins and the government orders Bugs Bunny to cut Florida into the Atlantic Ocean, we should have a Cash 4 Clunkers program where we take all the leftover beach homes from the hurricanes and ship them piecemeal to Lake of the Ozarks as one last jobs program.
  16. McDonald’s has decided they are socialist or communist, idk what that means, and that they have the answer to how much money others should make off beef. McDonald’s sues top meat packers for allegedly colluding to inflate the price of beef https://apnews.com/article/mcdonalds-sues-meat-packers-beef-price-fixing-6ea9d046eb711fd2a93d03305fa07882
  17. Definitely Huntington Beach. Good chance he may have had an RV parked in a lot not even a quarter mile away. I would ride my bike from Newport Beach to Long Beach (very impressive) and this stretch was always fun. Lots of American flags from seemingly normal brain washed Rs, but then you'd get the white supremacists, biker gangs, and upset minorities and it ruined what is a great stretch of beach to cycle through.
  18. Oh now we're moving to the "don't be sensitive" part
  19. literally read what I wrote above this. 5 hours before you posted. You'll have to forgive @aggie08. He follows me around thinking my internet posts are super cereal and gets defensive about hyperbole. Landing an insight straight was proof positive that the dem strategy of abandoning candidate incumbency will EVISCERATE DONALD TRUMP!
  20. Nothing, and she should work for it next go around. Should be pretty easy though. Renaming this thread at midnight on election night.
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