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Everything posted by StassneyHorn

  1. My entire post was sarcasm you stupid fuck. Why waste time in an inflation thread if your entire response is just going to be a self defense of every company and the advice to be go somewhere else. And I haven’t made one post about controlling the price of groceries, comrade cumdump
  2. You’ve already posted hystericals, on this very page. Nobody knows or cares who you are.
  3. How dare some of you question these fine American companies. They would never willingly charge more than they need. They just had to in this instance cause the data showed they were allowed to raise prices.Did you miss where they explained how we’re all in this together, and then they apologized? When the data began going down, that’s when they, as Patriots, are allowed to play fuck-fuck games.
  4. DJT stock is down to $20. 75% drop since intraday high on March 26. He can’t sell til September 20th.
  5. A new update Total number of 401(k) millionaires hits a record high https://fortune.com/2024/08/28/fidelity-401k-ira-millionaires-record-q2/ 34,000 new millionaires. Bidenomics continues to run wild all over you.
  6. Joseph Biden, the creator of Bidenomics, aka the Dow Jones Daddy, continues to put on a show worthy of praise. The DJIA has closed at another all time high today. Please buy an ice cream cone today to celebrate if it doesn't interfere with your $15 fast food lunch. You'll cry and hate yourself afterwards, but that's the McDonald's.
  7. A+ decision on Idaho Springs. Yard’s Taphouse and the BBQ place across the street were a nice mistake when I was out riding around.
  8. No mention of Dante’s or the strip clubs?
  9. Lending Tree has a credit card debt statistics page that is easy to read. 47% of credit card users don’t carry a balance. Delinquency is on the rise 11 out of 12 quarters but it’s increasing from all time lows. https://www.lendingtree.com/credit-cards/study/credit-card-debt-statistics/#:~:text=That's the 11th straight quarter,Best Balance Transfer Credit Cards
  10. So they killed her and her memory again. This has to be third time now they’ve excused themselves.
  11. Credit card debt numbers are chicken little bullshit and half the people pay it off responsibly every month, while the other half do exactly what they want to do. Make their large purchase a payment plan on your own terms. lol gas prices lol at the US dollar
  12. If Dems aren’t using that photo, EVERYWHERE, to say Trump won’t make it to Election Day, let alone 4 years, they will not get my vote. If there is not an attack ad saying implying Trump will die, cause he will, probably in the next month, and JD Vance will be the candidate, I will not vote.
  13. As the most correct person on this board, I’d like to thank myself for maintaining steadfast support of John Whitmire, lifelong Democrat, as mayor in Houston. Knowing this would be the best thing possible, and throwing cold water on any anger/enthusiasm from the largest area of Republican voters in the state.
  14. This is all working wonderfully and Cruz/Fox News has had zero time to make him out be this nationally recognized, professional baby killer that steals guns from Republicans. On top of that he hasn’t spent money bothering people the data shows will already vote Democrat. What a guy! I’m in love!
  15. From your link Commercial burglary and commercial robbery rates in California have been steadily rising over the past few years, according to data from the Public Policy Institute of California. Shoplifting, although still well below pre-pandemic levels, is seeing an increase as well.
  16. He thinks saving money at grocery stores is double couponing. And your own analysis to only trust revised reports gets thrown out the door as soon as this report was released.
  17. The June pump fake on lowering fed rates would make Paul Pierce blush
  18. The 39.6% initial increase LT cap gains rate that would move into the 44% doesn’t apply to under 500k gains in the proposal
  19. And people had way more money to spend. The economy is thundering, booming, and howling. I’m so scared of it all.
  20. Yea if I was The Fed I’d be pissed too. Going from great to good throws off their timing.
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