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Everything posted by StassneyHorn

  1. Please donate. Some band kid is gonna get pussy for the first time on this trip 2 years before your kid does.
  2. So when do G league basketball rejects join the academy?
  3. This was unwatchable
  4. This was meant for debate thread. But good here too
  5. Forget the fact that we have 3.5 years of results to know how the party is doing and where they are going, along with a Vice President who could take over at any moment, please freak out about your debate expectations.
  6. No he didn’t People were sharing Gagnum style memes of Romney dancing over Obama in an elevator the first debate where he lied about every position he ever had. Obama was called within the first hour of that cycle. No I won’t take 20 minutes to do your survey
  7. This election is going to be decided by North Carolina population change, Phoenix suburbs movement , Atlanta enthusiasm, Wisconsin and Michigan paychecks and Philly turnout. Nobody will have the courage to repost this. -Your Aunt — on Facebook and Las Vegas wait staff -pissed of Js1 who I couldn’t tag
  8. It’s almost like it’s orchestrated to demonstrate momentum later on. That has never been seen before, ever, at all, in this admin. Swing voters aren’t watching a June debate
  9. PCE is out tomorrow. It will be down. Y’all crapping your pants over a debate performance is funny. I didn’t watch though.
  10. Kansas and Missouri decided to be assholes today https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-judges-block-parts-key-biden-student-debt-plan-2024-06-24/
  11. And of course Republican state’s courts are blocking it. 6 days before implementation https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-judges-block-parts-key-biden-student-debt-plan-2024-06-24/
  12. In town for a week and to my surprise inflation didn’t fuck with my neighborhood shithole bar. Still has $3.25 LoneStar and $11 pitchers. 50 cents wings on Mondays and BOGO burgers on Wednesday. Rusty Cannon Pub
  13. I actually wrote this article, and the name Dan Dicker should’ve been a huge red flag to all
  14. Any way to assign out what are people purchasing index funds vs purchasing individual stock
  15. Do your bot stuff in Daily Texan. ”DAE think MAGA= literal Nazi?”
  16. So this is why Gen Z keeps wearing Carhart
  17. Anyone been embarrassed by our President this week? month?
  18. Anybody want to front the funds for an Electric Shark movie? Would be done in the SciFi style and would need a Baldwin brother and maybe Brooke Hogan.
  19. Did they do it, then get hit with monthly interest and didn’t account for it?
  20. So… starting in July around 8 million people with student loans will now see new income driven payment amounts out of the SAVE program. 13 days from now it will be a bigger story, but loan forgiveness continues to be one of the more influential policies Joseph has gone forward with, and a very stark contrast against Republicans. Putting more money back in working class Americans wallets who will spend, instead of doing the Republican thing and focusing on breaks for the top 1-2 percent that frankly doesn’t trickle it down to others. One is considered a bribe, the other is good policy. While nowhere near as big as Obamacare rollout , and with far less fanfare, the importance of getting this done correctly will be YUGE.
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