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Everything posted by StassneyHorn

  1. Final Q4 2023 GDP revised upwards to 3.4%. Text your brothers and uncles.
  2. US speeds up return of oil to Strategic Petroleum Reserve -Energy Dept https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/us-speeds-up-return-oil-strategic-petroleum-reserve-energy-dept-2023-12-01/?_sm_au_=iVV7bGnk7tsDN6177qBfJK0CNRBH2
  3. My dad had a colonoscopy at the beginning of the year. 7 polyps, all benign. His dumbass did drink coffee afterwards and it triggered some fucked up gall bladder/ gall stones issue and had to have emergency surgery to remove it. His gall bladder ended up bursting during the surgery and we all got pretty lucky that he’s still alive. So get rid of your gall bladder the first second you can.
  4. Was in Ron’s country for 4 days. There is no difference between the Woodlands/Conroe/Spring and Northwest Panhandle (Milton-Bagdad-Pace) near Pensacola, except actual jobs existing in the Texas areas. Have an Aunt that is native to the FL panhandle and would be filthy rich if her family ever sold their land. She had the same conversation with everyone who would listen that she was hugely against all the new development and new people coming into the area and driving prices up. Lots of talk about how they get screwed over on home insurance.
  5. Moving company information and UHaul. California and Illinois UHauls will have low amount of vehicles while Florida and Texas have a glut.
  6. Shutdowns started under the Trump administration and he’s been jabbed plenty. Easiest message in the world
  7. A comedy/tragedy... in 4 tweets. These will be twitter screenshots so fuck me
  8. My last post in here was a straight shot about PCE, before Cum Rocket and bernorange brought CR into it. Also IDGAF about the manly cries and shrieks of CR in an inflation thread. and he's clearly a vanilla bean soft serve guy
  9. Why would I tell a ladyboy they look like a transvestite? The woman in your avatar, and ladyboys in general, have a well respected and accepted history that go back further than you’ve been alive.
  10. I don’t have a problem with the ladyboy, I have a problem with you bashing trans people and then running around with a ladyboy in your avi. Stop it
  11. 72 days of a supermajority also pork has been insanely cheap for a couple years now. Store close to me routinely sells ribs at 97 cents and 1.23/lb depending on the day. That adds nothing to the conversation but I want you all to know how much I pay for pork shits.
  12. Give us your next guess for $100
  13. What’s our oracles next guess on $100?
  14. It is a 57 page report you have not read and have not refuted. You’ve chubbed up some responses to graphs in this thread for oil and guess responses, but nothing approaching serious or respectable
  15. No you haven’t. You didn’t read the report. It’s politics for you reading your own posts in this thread shows that.
  16. Ah yes the “bullshit” report from noted librul rag JP Morgan. The socialists at that institution have run this country into the ground. Not once did I see a 100/bbl guess in the 57 page write up.
  17. Why are you asking someone else on the internet to find you a report that is easily found?
  18. https://am.jpmorgan.com/content/dam/jpm-am-aem/global/en/insights/eye-on-the-market/electravision-amv.pdf
  19. Not entirely true, we got perhaps the greatest beer koozie ever made And I will pay top dollar to anyone who managed to get one
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