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Everything posted by StassneyHorn

  1. No I think talking about any Chicago gun violence by people who know nothing about the area or how easy it is to get around regulations are stupid fucking morons
  2. I agree nobody should be able to just sign a waiver that someone completes for them. Tougher restrictions now
  3. Does wind move your ear3 more inches behind your head and protect your skull from being hit? Asking experts here, alot of people can’t comprehend.
  4. Indiana is 20 minutes away from Chicago
  5. You use the word shtick and don’t know what it means
  6. Brian Williams and Hillary Clinton both got fired for lying about being shot Cannot hit an ear without hitting the skull unless you’re a military grade professional. #QbetrayedUs#VetsagainstTrump
  7. You can hit the top of someone’s ear and not hit the back of their head on an exit wound unless your aligned straight up and a professional. #feedQAnon
  8. I was called retarded.
  9. Yea seriously dude
  10. He grabs his ear, gets tackled, then he cuts himself in the “pileup.” This is wrestling entertainment and you’ve all been duped. This thread needs a [DUPED] tag
  11. You literally have to be Mr Beepers for a bullet to hit your ear and not any other part of your head
  12. This is a prime example of blading, and it’s still real to me dammit
  13. Hang tight, buy a shirt
  14. If anyone’s a victim it’s me. Shopify is taking forever to publish my Trump shirt. How am I supposed to post the link everywhere and make money?
  15. And get the fucking shirts printed now if you want free money
  16. Great Lakes region has been having milder winters and worth a look. Gonna be a ton of investment in clean energy up there so development will occur across coastal Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin.
  17. I’ve lived 3 months in Nashville, 6 months in Denver, and 2 stretches of 6 months in Scottsdale AZ. I didn’t like Nashville. It was mid January to mid April when I was there and it mostly rained and stormed. When it was sunny, it was ok but more humid for reasons I don’t understand. This won’t make sense, but the food sucked and the restaurants are nice. Was mostly in the Germantown area north of downtown. East Nashville was more my scene, but the roads that connect downtown to east Nashville have light failures on the highway and don’t paint stripe the highway well so traffic gets fucked up pretty common. Might try going back there sometime tho. The city is lib, but conservative influencers are everywhere. A very specific breed of “margarita moms” party there. Denver is a hard no. Stayed downtown in the Ritz Carlton building. I wanted to love Denver but was ready to leave after a couple months. Body never adjusted to elevation and constantly woke up in middle of the night dying of thirst. Ballpark and RiNo area near me for bars fucking sucked. Giggling Grizzly (not a gay bar) has good wings though. Became a regular there and never felt more VIP than after the Finals two years ago when all Denver shut down and I cut to the front of line and they closed the bar down after I got there, so I got that. Lot of rampant petty crime that nobody gives a shit about. Bars are dude central and women do not actually exist. Go to Boulder instead. To live, not party. Nobody drinks anymore. Love Scottsdale. The heat isn’t bad at all if you lived in Houston, San Antonio or Austin. Might make more sense to put a down payment down instead of buying outright as property taxes are laughably small. If you golf, you’re in Mecca. Constantly thirsty though so you’ll always need water there. The suburbs of Phoenix are better than the city, although downtown is getting better. Can expect grocery prices to be higher since it’s the desert. Rent and home prices fluctuate like crazy. Obviously sunscreen is a must, but so are sunglasses at every turn. I’ve had phone covers and sandals melt.
  18. I am voting with my Vanguard balance and $0 credit card statement
  19. The egg on alot of your faces tonight is great and the backpedaling on Biden as a nominee will turn into meandering and whispers. A lot of you just wasted two weeks of your life, and until you recognize that and agree with me you are Republicans until then. See how fun it is to read shit like that? His entire presidency has been about riding waves of momentum and creating your own. From the lingering “recession is right around the corner” bullshit in inflation threads to “incoming red wave” bullshit in midterm threads to the immigration battle that ended with the Trump’s bullshit telling his minions to vote against the strongest bill they’ve seen against. More individual Americans are affected by loan forgiveness than independents wanting credit and attention. Capturing the biggest voter share you can from 2020 is key and the tossup states Biden won expanded those rights. Biden can repeat his attack on Trump 3x a day to a question about his favorite color and it will always be the right move.
  20. Texas is one of the ten closest states and will be decided by less than 5 points.
  21. You have four years of results from both individuals right now to base your decision on for both the Presidency and future makeup of Supreme Court and you think it’s more important to get your dick sucked as an “independent” who hasn’t voted for a Republican in 20 years.
  22. Austin American Statesman had a great interactive article that lets you see the increase in voter registrations around the state. https://www.kxan.com/news/your-local-election-hq/how-has-the-number-of-registered-voters-changed-in-texas-in-recent-years/
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