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Everything posted by StassneyHorn

  1. Please let Jason know he fucked up his own tweet, and all he has to do is look at his second line vs the actual 12 month number he himself posted
  2. CPI falls from 3.4 to 3.1 annual rate, and the market shits it pants over a tenth of a percentage point.
  3. Good for her, and not in a sarcastic way. Small enough state to campaign and meet people. Easy to understand imagery. Would be interesting to see how this plays with Bank of North Dakota history flying in the face of the people they tend to vote for
  4. Never been to Vegas, would this Thursday into the weekend suck after the Super Bowl, in Surly’s opinion? Either this or OC/Santa Monica/Venice beach as an option
  5. Wall Street loading up on Baja Blast and Taco Bell before shitting themselves over a one-tenth of a percent difference is never not funny. Annual inflation drops from 3.4 to 3.1 and they want you to sell in the morning panic so they can buy it back later in the day and pump it the next morning.
  6. Briscoe was an impeachment manager
  7. Everyone’s favorite rappers are over 50
  8. Damn the only thing every under 40 year old is talking about at the bar is how embarrassing this is for Abel Fattah El-Sisi right now
  9. The bussing encourages more illegal immigration, tell him that
  10. Jesus Christ this gets better the more I read it. Do you have a wall full of coffee and poptarts for retirement?
  11. I want a second woman in my marriage, 65% of men agree. Only 2% do it, guess why?
  12. Imagine this douchebag trying to gaslight you about debt
  13. A man with a 235k+ income thinks his mortgage at 165k is untenable, please everyone tag your friends and laugh at this fucking post
  14. Holy fucking shit this man who financed a 164k mortgage, probably has a homestead exemption, claims to be taxed at 35% single payer net on 250k+ income is complaining. @fattyflattie can you be the messenger on telling him how bad this is? He won’t hear us.
  15. It is English. Are you married or a sperm donor? For tax purposes, that has become very clear you do NOT understand
  16. a single man making over 243,735 ENTERS the 35% tax bracket. Is not taxed at the 35% flat level, and @DixonHurcan’t make a payment on a home worth 250k
  17. You’re running away. The board sees it. Are you a baby daddy or a father Mr. *Clears throat* @DixonHur
  18. Jesus Christ @DixonHurhas a hit rate of 0
  19. Averages one million percent tilt towards the rich so please show me the median amount that will be lower
  20. I’ve already explained that stupid bullshit. Yes, for the most part, married couples are buying houses and single people are getting condos Us
  21. There has never been a time in history of our country with sub 4 unemployment as long as this. If you want a job, snap your fingers and make it happen
  22. Imagine any other developed country on earth telling two people who make a combined $94,299 that we won’t tax you more than 12%
  23. Oh fuck my thumb slipped. Top bracket for 75k marrieds is 12% which means a smaller net even with elevated property taxes in the state Tax Rate For Single Filers For Married Individuals Filing Joint Returns For Heads of Households 10% $0 to $11,600 $0 to $23,200 $0 to $16,550 12% $11,600 to $47,150 $23,200 to $94,300 $16,550 to $63,100 22% $47,150 to $100,525 $94,300 to $201,050 $63,100 to $100,500 24% $100,525 to $191,950 $201,050 to $383,900 $100,500 to $191,950 32% $191,950 to $243,725 $383,900 to $487,450 $191,950 to $243,700 35% $243,725 to $609,350 $487,450 to $731,200 $243,700 to $609,350 37% $609,350 or more $731,200 or more $609,350 or more
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