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  1. All of our differences aside...maybe you guys can help explain something to me. What in the holy shit farts was matt rhule and the baylor players doing with that strange bear claw hand in the air staring off into space as ou left the field?! I'd like to hope it was a team character building exercise but my gut says that they were about to morph into a giant rape bear and turn on the people in the stands.
  2. Oh shit they have found me! Lol
  3. Now, now texas fans. Next week when your getting raped by baylor and you can't figure out the sad vacant look on their faces as they pound you effortlessly and without joy....just remember these two little words.........................boomer sooner................. goodnight horns sweet dreams
  4. Well dip my nuts in ambrosia, as a sooner fan this forum is an absolute gold mine of near sexual satisfaction to read. You poor sad bastards!!!! I read this post from top to bottom and wow am I satisfied. All of you sitting around simultaneously shame wanking, praying for meteors, calling for the heads of your staff and players, cheering on baylor to save you from mighty oklahoma, shivering like the cowardly shits your entire fanbase is afraid of the big bad baylor bears your going to get eaten by next week, and then ultimately watching your arch nemesis rise to the occasion and get the motherfucking W over another bitchass texas school. Boy what a wonderful read! But on a serious note get y'alls shit together I want y'all upright and moving forward I want to whip yalls ass twice a year and you are letting me down. Sincerely, The boot on your throat P.s BOOMER SOONER BITCHES
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