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Posts posted by otisdog

  1. If  I may travel back a couple of pages and ask a question about the electoral college....the discussion inspired me to go to the '270 to win' website, where I saw both Maine and Nebraska had a striped graphic, and notes that explain that these states have 'split electoral votes' with state and district votes coming into play. How does that work, and why are these two state different from the rest?  Thanks 


  2. 32 minutes ago, HouTex said:

    Mine doesn’t slope enough to the drain. So it takes a lot of water and effort to get everything down the drain. I miss my old side by side. But it’s the trend. No fighting the trend. It does look nicer.

    What kind?

    Ummm...I see we have 2 threads by the same person on the same topic....

  3. 17 hours ago, RamjetFDO said:
    17 hours ago, otisdog said:
    Planning on taking my wife to DC and show here what our nation was founded on, with a side trip to Gettysburg....recommended books for background...?

    "The Killer Angels" by Michael Shaara.

    It's listed as fiction?

  4. 14 hours ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    I can't understand how this is possible... but California...

    Me too....wife was amazed at how excited I was...and how quickly I grabbed it off the shelf.  This is the same market that had 12 bottles of Blanton's on the shelf.  I went up to the manager to see how many bottles I could buy, and he gave me a strange look and asked "well, how much money do you have?"


    Was up in Norcal for a Los Lobos concert last night and walked into the local grocery to find a EHT barrel proof on the shelf.....also, plenty of ECBP in town.

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  6. 13 minutes ago, texifornia said:


    Also that stealth bomber overflight was cool as shit

    I live about a mile past the end of the Rose Parade route, and many of the neighbors are out in the street before the parade waiting for the B2 to pass....this year it flew by at the lowest level, ever. Basically on the deck. Stunning. Then he got on the blast and loudly peeled over the San Gabriel mountains headed to Edwards AFB to hang and wait for the bowl.

  7. My brother....

    Taught me how to hover above the cow patties in Hana and eat the shrooms right off of them so you wouldn't lose any spores....

    Returned home from a business trip and was told by his newlywed wife " I got rid of those stanky old dried up mushrooms in the freezer"....2 pounds, into the trash.

  8. On 12/20/2019 at 8:29 AM, Parliament said:

    High-end hiking shoes like Solomon and such. Not boots, but SHOES. 

    Worst fucking footwear i ever bought....falling apart in 3 weeks. seriously. Picked up a pair on non-US Vasque in Switzerland 3 years ago that are doing well. Bought 2 more pair for the future.

  9. On 12/7/2019 at 2:52 AM, 52-80 said:

    Filson got bought out a few years ago and people claim their stuff got worse. 

    True, and their quality shows it. They've also discontinued a lot of their blue collar work stuff, and jacked the prices up so as to be one of those "exclusive" outfits. Shame, I've been wearing their stuff for decades (as well as Chouinard ). They basically don't carry anything that I'm interested in...used to live in their double tin shorts.

  10. 6 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    If he did, USC would be shouting it from the San Gabriel Mountains. They need any recruiting momentum they can get right now.

    Yeah, I need to walk that back....from a sc reporter, from a recruit. 

    I like it here, don't ban me....

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