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Everything posted by otisdog

  1. Ha! Currently 13 degrees 212 miles north of Portland on the sound. Won't break freezing for another 4 days. Snowed 6 inches on Christmas, but clear as a bell now. Happy I took the time to split some of my bucked maple before the holiday cheer was uncorked.
  2. Great thread...I'll contribute when I sober up....
  3. I'm an SC alum....One of my classes had a rather skanky blond in it. Imagine my amazement when said rather skanky blond showed up in class with the song girl sweater, dress, and new pancake face, appearing rather attractive. Totally amazed at the transformation.
  4. Can't believe nobody complained about Petros....who, I think, is one of the most knowledgable fox color commentators, whatever you think of his voice.
  5. Yup...probably gets sideways stunningly fast, too...
  6. MB Sprinter can't source electric doors latches...built vehicles will be released in June or July.
  7. Not quite what? We're growing oysters on our tidelands. Hey...how are those Sonics doing?
  8. Henry knows WTF he's talking about....
  9. A point about 'Producers'....oftentimes being credited as a producer is a ploy to increase ones wages on the production, either as a tax advantage or as a means to avoid a mandated wage ceiling, sometimes union scale, often studio salary parameters. Just because one is labeled 'producer' on a show, it doesn't mean that said person has anything to do with the daily happenings on set. Heck, I was on a show with 24 writers, about half of them were 'producers'. None of them ever saw the set.
  10. Funny how you think that stating facts is 'running interference'.
  11. Good point, and again I have to point out how cheap a 'tier one' budget production is. The DP (director of photography) is usually behind the camera, or their 2nd is. Whoever is back there is normally protected by a 'protection piece' which is a 4 x 10 piece of 3/4" lexan with a hole cut into it for the lens, which hangs from C stands. The director is usually off to the side, behind a bank of monitors (video village) that capture the images of every camera rolling on the set. The fact that this wasn't the scenario is telling, and I think that these elements not being in place on the set is probably due to budget. As to your second point, out of state production has been a big thing for years due to tax incentives, and IATSE, which has strong safety protocols. casts a wide net in their jurisdiction, so I wouldn't think there is a direct correlation re: safety / out of state production.. The low budget 'tiers' have always been an issue amongst union members...although they pay crap wages, the hours accrued on a low budget show count the same as a normal production, allowing the worker to earn enough hours to achieve union membership.
  12. So as a recent new resident of Washington state, I was surprised to learn that this state is the only state in the nation where you own the tidewaters...aka where the oysters live. We currently are growing about 1,000 of them, harvestable next year.
  13. If the upthread mention of a 'Tier 1 show' was correct, it is / was a union show. Also the fact that Baldwin was involved pretty much conforms it. Not likely a SAG member would be on that set.
  14. Inexperience and failure to follow established industry protocol.
  15. Absolutely concur. But if the above story is to be believed, the AD picked the gun up off of the armorers' cart...the armorers' cart is sacrosanct.
  16. Backwards....nobody touches a firearm but the armorer and the talent.
  17. Soooo....long time entertainment employee here - multiple f*ckups here. Reading the above article that mentioned it was a 'tier one' movie. That means it was a union show, but had a 6 million dollar maximum production budget, including post (production). That's not shit....a television show I worked on had a 34 mil episodic budget. Tier 1 shows pay about 1/2 standard union scale, if that, and have super small crews so as to make that budget possible. So the people who work on these shows are folks with zero, or very little experience on the set. They're learning on set...and there's mistakes made. In the real world, an Armorer (hired solely to handle firearms by the prop master) is completely trusted by the actor he hands the gun to, period. There is no blame possible towards the actor here.
  18. Troph, good luck. His first mistake could be his last.
  19. Just a heads up, for all of you who want to see this 'no rivalry' game again, it's on ESPNU now!
  20. Isn't this a thread about a school in the other shit hole, south central Los Angeles?
  21. Kyrie, who got beat like a MULE?
  22. That's my old hood. It's one of four ways into the Rose Bowl, 6 1/2 hours before the game. Shouldn't be a prob, I used to take surface streets into the stadium from there.
  23. Bunch of those starters just got cleared to play two days ago.....and you've got two rookie coordinators.
  24. Huh? You put the spine down when you keep knives in a block.
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