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Certifiably Surly
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  1. At least Mack admitted to letting “all of the bb’s out of the box” at the end of his tenure at Texas.
  2. “Blinn College has an acceptance rate of 100 percent and an undergraduate population of about 9,000 students.”
  3. Had to look “Calumny” up. Thanks for the new word Graham!
  4. I just saw the regular season final standings and Minn was 3 games better than GB. So I probably erred saying GB is the better team.
  5. Surprisingly, Kyle’s gig working for some Texas gun lobby didn’t last and now he works at a gun shop in Florida.
  6. Well at least he didn’t break the Aggie honor code.
  7. Bond has now been posted at $750 each for the two charges. He should be out of the pokey soon?
  8. Graham’s rankings are: 1. Georgia 2. Tennessee 3. A&M 4. Alabama 5. Ole Miss 6. South Carolina 7. Texas etc.
  9. I seem to recall that the Karen responded on a social media post of the video that she was the Karen and that she deserved the response and learned her lesson, or something like that.
  10. His legacy has been ruined. He would have eventually been inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame and into the Longhorn Hall of Honor. Not to mention losing future business opportunities in Baltimore and Texas. Sad
  11. I’ve never seen a group of fluffers use the term “The future is bright” more than aggie.
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