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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Matuka

  1. Matuka

    Pete Rose

    csb... Mid December 2005, Horns were fresh off annihilating Colorado in the Big XII Championship game which I was fortunate enough to attend. Back in Dallas, I found out Pete was coming to visit the company I worked for during the day and later that night would attend a X-mas party at the owner's house in Preston Hollow. This was an annual event that the owner threw every year for management. The owner's wife knew that he was a Pete Rose fan and behind his back arranged for the owner's private jet to pick him up and bring him to Dallas for the owner's X-mas present. I think she paid $60K for Pete's services. Anyhow, Pete show's up at the office and hangs out in the hall by the CEO's office. He was dressed in an all-white track suit trimmed in cardinal and gold; a USC logo on the breast jacket. I didn't like him before, and I sure as hell didn't like him at that point. When I went over by where he standing, he was off in his own little world, talking on his cell phone to someone(IMO) about placing some bets. I avoided him at the owner's house later that night (he was sequestered in the "library") declining to receive a signed baseball. 41-38 was a little extra sweet my friends. BTW, I heard the owner's wife was told in no uncertain terms not to pull such a stunt again.
  2. satview.org looks like it's over S Pacific now...
  3. And cows! Did you know...The Santa Gertrudis originated from The King Ranch?
  4. And not all fly fishermen are “dewshes”. Some are of course.
  5. I would like an Outdoor forum as well.
  6. Looking for a badass cooler that maybe comes with a sticker. Any suggestions?
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