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Everything posted by SAHorn

  1. Reminded me of this joke: A new store opened in New York. It's called The Husband Store. Women can go there to find a husband, but there are strict rules. She may visit the store only ONCE. There are 6 floors with men of differing qualities in ascending order. The women may go up a Floor at a time but may only go down all the way to the bottom and out the front door. So a woman enters the store and reads the big sign inside the entrance by the elevator. The first floor sign reads: Men with jobs. She's intrigued but continues to the second floor. There the sign reads: Men with jobs and love children. Nice she thinks but I want more and proceeds to the third floor. There she is greeted by a sign that reads: Men who have jobs, love children and are extremely good looking. WOW she thinks but feels compelled to keep going. So on to the fourth floor where the sign reads: Men with jobs, love kids, are drop dead gorgeous and help with housework. Oh my she thinks, I can hardly stand it but on to the fifth floor she goes. There the sign reads: Men who have jobs, love kids, are drop dead gorgeous, help with housework and have a strong romantic streak. She is so tempted to stay and take a husband from here but she goes on to the sixth floor, There the sign reads: You are visitor 37,365,498 to this floor. There are no men here. This floor only exists to prove you can't satisfy a woman. Thank you for shopping with us. PLEASE NOTE: So not to be gender bias the owner opened a store across the street called New Wives. The first floor has wives who love sex. The second floor has wives who love sex, have money and love beer. The third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors have never been visited.
  2. https://www.stwnewspress.com/news/oklahoma-state-police-allege-university-of-texas-football-player-sent-revenge-porn-to-osu-students/article_3def86b4-5c5c-11ec-b5e4-17aa38a17181.html
  3. oh...fuck the brocks...unless they transfer...
  4. At 1:00 PM on December 13th we hit 1,000 pages and OU still Sucks!!!
  5. My business partners are Aggies who were gloating about the Evan Stewart commitment a few weeks back. I would love nothing more than to flip him. Can’t he see Demas vs Worthy? Why would Steward want to be an Aggie? Just doesn’t make sense to me.
  6. Who did the erasing? Or, who did Wiltfong erase? either way, just read the few posts above
  7. This for sure
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