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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by henrygandorf

  1. oh hey i got a save. our roto didn't do that i don't think.
  2. btw, i like the reds and the nlc is a tossup, but apparently everybody and their dog is betting on cincy o total wins this year, so my play was purely contra.
  3. he checks a lot of boxes. he's 27, which is the age where things tend to click for guys who haven't found it yet. he's a former top pick, so you have to assume that at some point he had a combination of natural talent, makeup, and ability (i assume he can be coached, who knows). he's also on the tigers, who had last year's cy young award winner, who rose from relative obscurity, at age 27. also he's killing it this spring. which to me means close to nothing. but rather he be killing it than getting blowed up. and for "breakout", your description seemed to match guys 25+ who haven't broken through, not some rookie who's highly touted and is just now getting his shot.
  4. man, forget vibes, this is a straight up reimagining of the player. even down to the long, continuous shot at the beginning.
  5. saxon is the shooter. the family is in the middle of...whatever is going on, so it's going to come from them. he's dealing with a bunch of shit he already knows about (the jerk) and some he doesn't know about yet (shit with his dad) and he's clearly not emotionally equipped to deal with any of it. it was also a weird turn when the chick he banged was like "my husband wants to meet you, come over" and everyone is thinking, no fucking way. then in the next scene he's like "we got invited to a dinner party!"
  6. miami over. cincy under. detroit over. angels under. schwellenbach. mize.
  7. gonna be an interesting year for drama awards, considering severance, white lotus, and the pitt (so far) should all be in the mix.
  8. pretty dumb. hey what's the website though?
  9. payment sent, but i don't know any fantasy leagues that pay up-front anymore and there's never drama at season's end, including the shaggy assholes one. we're all adults i assume.
  10. that's weird that it's bad because in the trailers it also looked bad.
  11. this should be a 6-8 ep spinoff limited series. and the episodes should be limited to 36 min. it should exist in the same lasso-verse but still work for anyone who hasn’t watched 1-3. that story is wrapped up.
  12. also don’t need even numbers because roto. 9 is fine.
  13. so here's the question - what does trump do with a 'funded' govt and what would he have done with a 'shutdown' govt? my guess is that it's the same picture. /pam i guess theoretically since he's going to blame the dems for all the dumb, terrible shit he does anyway, at least it'll be slightly harder to believe in this current scenario. that's the only silver lining i could get to. you know how long it took me to get there? a long time.
  14. i don't know shit about fuck when it comes to er shifts, but they make it seem like everyone comes on at the same time and works a 12-hour shift then leaves together like a fucking casino. wouldn't they have to stagger it a little so they're not in the middle of procedures when everybody's shift ends and a bunch of new people come storming in? and yes, what you said was kinda my point - sending 2 doctors home leading up the shift change would seem to bite him in the ass most days even without a "multiple gsw" scenario.
  15. i agree that it's not a "close call", but i understand why someone could characterize it that way. i would say it more like "i see both sides of it". it's also virtually impossible to say either side is definitely right or wrong right now, because we can't see into the future. we do know what's happening now and have the trajectory of what they want to happen. schumer needs to learn to put aside his 85 years of politics and base everything instead on the past 55 days. stop worrying about the perception. stop thinking deals can be made. stop thinking this is the 1990's. nobody cares if people "tried to do the right thing for the people" if the people get fucked in the ass anyway. american citizens will remember the shitshow and the chaos and who was in charge at literally every level when that happened. dems no-votes on a budget cr won't be the reason america mysteriously slipped into fascism. it'll be a footnote. trump and musk are crashing the plane into the mountain. we don't need our fingerprints on the control panel. 1. do your fucking job 2. send aoc, pete, bernie, warren, and walz to every available microphone, news program, or town hall. 3. end of list.
  16. i was joking. he's basically playing himself.
  17. stop worrying about blame. trump and his redhats will blame everything on the dems whether we do what’s right or wrong, so might as well do what’s right. they control everything, they have the votes. if they want to burn down the barn, it’s not our job to hand them the kerosene rags and a lighter. america voted for this. it’s not the dems job to be the adults in the room. fuck it.
  18. not sure i can deal with 3 hours of an active shooter + aftermath.
  19. piss, i was gonna take him. give me @NOMAAA and @beer
  20. @Capn81 @Planet Houston
  21. @Fawesome @UTPhil2006
  22. eyeroll. give me @huge he's easily distracted.
  23. derka was my 1st pick. it's your turn.
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