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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by henrygandorf

  1. baseball writers know best.
  2. well one of those guys had 22 homers last year, while the other had just 13.
  3. ruiz seems like the type to hit 9th and 1st a bunch. it's a joke that yainer isn't on there, but same as it ever was. two boston guys on the list lol. for our resident birds fan, adley finished 2nd last year and his numbers were fairly puny in comparison. plenty of folks were already calling him the best catcher in the league, so i guess there's that. he also finished 12th in mvp voting, which seems strange. when people envision adley do they think he's a .300 / 27hr / 90rbi guy? anyway, i don't have defensive/framing stats handy, but here's throwing guys out:
  4. are you saying that la is really the 5th character in the sex and the city universe?
  5. the last 5-10 min were holy shit. grease is the word.
  6. i always get the sense that she admired lazlo, but she loved rick. we don't really get the sense of how lazlo really felt about her. we got an intermission on lawrence. we saw doris roberts (marie) from everybody loves raymond loading up on whoppers or something. she died like a month later. i don't think there was one for the godfather. the others are pretty manageable. for some reason i have encountered several people that group casablanca in with gone with the wind, maybe because they came out around the same time and were both classics for decades before most of us were born. i think for this reason, some have avoided casablanca, because they don't want a big sweeping period piece epic that takes almost 4 hours to watch. casablanca is a tight 100 minutes.
  7. ok, time for fun. i have dropped everyone from my entire team. have at it, playoff teams.
  8. there are several things that dusty does that i find horrifying, but one i particularly hate is how he subs out a guy and then feels like the sub has to bat in the same spot in the order as the injured player. like when dubon led off on sat night. he did that move a bunch earlier in the season but it had been a minute. i'm sure it was covered but luckily i took the weekend off from this thread. nauseating.
  9. my wife won't get into old movies unless she sees them in a movie theater. now many of her favorite movies are from seeing them at theaters that still do that. the graduate is near the top, next to casablanca. i've also dragged her to chinatown, butch cassidy, the godfather, in the heat of the night, and lawrence of arabia because i'm an abusive husband.
  10. same. this.
  11. i never make plans that far ahead.
  12. it's not supposed to be funny, it's supposed to make you angry. any picture of the goat having fun playing baseball will do the trick.
  13. no, we're gonna take them from you. it's time to evolve, my dude.
  14. in other countries they use cars and rocks. come on.
  15. a lot of criminals weren't criminals until they broke the law. i have no idea if you know better than this or not. quick, what is the racial demographic of the shooter and intent, if known? i need to figure out if i'm mad or not.
  16. no, in all shootings it's the guns. it's not called gun violence because of knives or cars. you ever notice how whenever there's a report about a mass shooting, the dems complain about the laws and the republicans sprint to the internet to see who the shooter is?
  17. sigh. here is the problem. it doesn't fucking matter who the shooter is. it's. the. fucking. guns. always.
  18. i haven't read the book, but this is the worst bad guy ever to appear in an elmore leonard-adapted movie/tv show. just comically bad. basically a serial killer. but in the end, he thought he really had something with raylan, and just wanted him to listen to his music. he thought they really got each other and were connected. awful. snoopy miller is rolling over in his grave. they gave us a bunch of promise with all the cops, and actually had recognizable talent playing all of them. then wasted wayyyy too much time with sweetie and then with raylan's love story (the bathtub scene i could've done without). the evidence scene in the parking garage or the woman cop in the book interrogation/front door scenes would've meant something if we had spent more time with those characters. was it a show about a corrupt judge? finding his killer? the black book? the criminal enterprise where sandy finds a rich mark? raylan trying to leave detroit but getting pulled in because of a connection from his background or a special skill he has? am i getting warm? clement just rolls into town (from where i don't remember or care but assume he was either locked up or killing people there too), parks it wherever he wants, walks around in his tighties, then starts killing people with zero agenda. terrible negotiation scene with david cross provided zero clarity or plan. oh, we didn't get the painting? i'm gonna go back later and steal it. then sandy can steal and sell it. because reasons. i'm gonna have to go watch insurrectionist actor nick searcy scream at raylan just to get the bad taste out of my mouth.
  19. how do i put this? i really hope this is good.
  20. back to the lineup - while i agree you put your best hitter 2nd (and would love to see yordan 2), a scorching-hot bregman there certainly doesn't bother me. he handles the bat well and knows the zone. in 2018-19 i might've called him our best hitter, and we've seen signs of that resurgence ever since he's been back in the 2-hole. once again, put the right guys in the lineup and the order doesn't really matter. a month ago, when envisioning the astros lineup, i never even considered bregman would be raking, along with possibly having a fresh brantley and a pena that has kinda found it? not to mention altuve partying like it's 2017. put those guys in with yordan, tuck, chassy, and yainer and yeah, we'll be just fine. @ boston was supposed to be our roughest series remaining outside the division ones, and we dismantled them. we blew g3 home vs boston and g1 @ detroit. we should be on a 9-1 stretch following an embarrassing home sweep vs seattle. but we're not and that's fine. the takeaway is that schedules don't matter and never have with this team. when we're playing well, the opponent isn't an issue. i say we go 19-8 and win 96 games. that should get us where we need to be.
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