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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. Last time I checked, the state wasn't creating lists of crippled people to keep tabs on, like Germany's enemies of the people lists. And what Paxton is doing with medical records in Texas right the fuck now
  3. Thing is, the republicans in our state are literally working on lists on trans people so they can keep tabs on them. Just like germany did with its "enemy within".
  4. These fucking fascists have been empowered by Elon's disinformation machine and are getting spun up to use it against trump's enemies and to beneift his allies. That's gonna include gaslighitng everyone and insisting until the useful idiots believe it that Jan6 was righteous.
  5. So weird how people keep saying that and yet he won the election.
  6. It's wherever the Party says it needs to be. He's not using his own brain, he's an officer of the court and a church elder arguing that the trials and evidence against trump are manufactured. He lies before God and the actual factual record.
  7. How have you not read this story? https://www.wired.com/story/elon-musk-citizenship-revoked-denaturalized/ He gamed the system and fraudulently entered then started working under a student visa
  8. Even those that lied about working without authorization and went on to build politically aligned businesses?
  9. Didn't you read? He's not an alcoholic, his genes were too strong for that kind of weakness
  10. Stating the man's own words and policy positions isn't a political opinion, but whatever keeps the peace with the fascists I guess
  11. I've got a stick trip to Port O'Connor in a couple weeks and it's gonna be fuckin miserable until we get off of land
  12. I bet you've said that to more than a handful of women after you're done with them
  13. Wait, you're saying that women not wanting to be labeled as "feelers not thinkers" is attacking masculinity? What in the manufactured grievance is that?
  14. Weird the mods are memory holing posts in the DT thread on what the incoming commander in chief has said previously about NATO and Ukriane. I guess they're already getting ready to kiss the ring
  15. And I'm not sure how Republican policy is going to help anything, except for exacerbating that problem.
  16. The strategy of keeping everyone so desperate they're too busy to stop and think is paying off huge dividends. Corporate price gouging pays off in spades to get the corporate candidate in power
  17. I wonder how much pain the tarrifs will bring if/when they take effect. Because it definitely isn't fucking CHYNA paying em
  18. They're bought and sold by our American oligarchs.
  19. He's the dear alcoholic deacon Johnny Sack
  20. Man I can't wait to see how you lie and misquote MLK to justify racism on this handle. Last time was a hoot
  21. So, trump has better kayfaybe?
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