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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. Still can't believe they didn't go with a bead blasted look, or something that's easier to clean up. Hell of a alot easier to match that than a brushed finish
  2. No, like he showed up on screen at an AfD rally and delivered remarks about how Germany should stop feeling so bad about what happened in the past
  3. Bozo don't you have some NFT scam to sell people on?
  4. My guy, elon is speaking at the neonazi rallies in Germany by teleconference. It's not just his seig heil, but that's certainly been the straw that broke the camels back. It's pretty fucked up to imply that all autistic people are neonazis and love hitler, not gonna lie. Also, since elmo took over Twitter has steadily worse performance and fewer features without logging in. The tweet embedding feature was meaningfully slowing the site and page loads down in threads with a lot of tweets. That's not the case with other embeds, twitter was pretty exquisitely enshittified
  5. Working now btw, I dig the orange border too. Good shit, man
  6. Not loading for me on mobile web
  7. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/trump-says-wants-clean-gaza-move-palestinians-jordan-egypt-rcna189317 “I’d rather get involved with some of the Arab nations and build housing at a different location where they can maybe live in peace for a change,” Trump said to reporters aboard Air Force One on Saturday. “You’re talking about probably a million and a half people, and we just clean out that whole thing and say, ‘You know, it’s over,’” he added.
  8. Gotta love unpolled tax increases! No income tax though amirite hurrrrdeeeeehurree
  9. Wanted to circle back and put some context on your libs of tiktok shitposts, you goddamn Nazi apologist x3w7cy1svafe1DASH_480.mp4
  10. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/elon-musk-appears-video-german-far-right-campaign-event-2025-01-25/
  11. But the agency issued a new assessment this week, with analysts saying they now favor the lab theory. There is no new intelligence behind the agency’s shift, officials said. Rather it is based on the same evidence it has been chewing over for months.
  12. Or more probably, you won't be able insure a flammable house
  13. It's something they don't believe in until it's politically expedient to, then magically it'll be the Democrats fault that were in this mess
  14. I mean the guy was literally an internet drug dealer - if he wasn't white he wouldn't be getting the love that he is enjoying. The pardon in and of itself is overtly political Not sure how you separate the two in this story. Get used to it, this sort of newsworthy norm breaking is gonna only intensify and make you more tired and frustrated. It's how the soviets and russians maintain power, at least. Now that we've got our oligarchs class calcified it's time for the next step
  15. Man, that was the prevailing theme from CES this year and it sucked. Ed Zitron actually reported live from the floor for 5 days this year and discussed that and many other topics It's crazy how many products and services are claiming to be "AI" simply because they put it behind a chatbot powered by an LLM. But someone has gotta squeeze those snake for their oil, dagnabbit! It's frustrating because it muddies the water and sucks the oxygen and trust away from ACTUAL use cases for the technology. Transformer architectures are pretty neat, and yet still offer loads of innovations in fusing together disparate data sources to synthesize a more rich understanding. We're still in the metaphorical vacuum tube era of that computer science. Things tend to accelerate fast, but the bottlenecks they're increasingly running up against are power and water. Gonna get reeeeeeaaaaaalllllll interesting.
  16. Even better, sewage and sludge is absolutely slam jam packed with forever chemicals! Yeah sure fuggit whatever just send it down the river. Fuck having clean water
  17. I'd bet my bottom dollar those quite expensive systems are just up-charging an off the shelf system or reference architecture. Hell my desktop PC with a 3080 can index 100,000 pages of documents in but tens of minutes, and what I've helped my customers implement is on the order of a few cents of one-time compute costs per ingested document. But they're also building it themselves (with some help 😉) instead of buying professional services from Oliver Weiman or Deloitte, which is saving them a fat bundle I mean, we're already running with chatGPT-authored executive orders. May as well smoke em if ya got em at this point
  18. Just had to circle back to comment on this - what kind of slapdick business is bringing suppliers it doesn't trust?Oh yeah sure Bob, don't worry that you sent the wrong grade pipe to my plant - I'm sure the high pressure caustic fluid it carries will be gentle with it. What you're describing is a solution desperate for a problem to solve and justify it's massive capitalization
  19. Ed Z has been a tech writer for more than a decade and actually has a pretty good handle on this stuff insofar as a writer would. But more to the point: openAI is hemmoraging money like crazy and loses more money the more that people use their ChatGPT subscriptions. Its a tremendous amount of energy and compute capacity to train these models, and the multi-modal agentic design only amplifies the number of token used to respond to a query. As a technical specialist in this field, I can tell you that their offering is more like a prototype than an enterprise-ready solution. That's not to say all of this tech is bullshit, but holy hell there's a lot of snake oil being bought and sold
  20. aren't the locks already somewhat on a running down clock? The lakes they use to operate the locks are at historic lows with major impacts to traffic flows I do wonder if trump's thinking is to seize the canal to preserve whatever's left of the throughput capacity for #amerikafirst
  21. FYI that link 404's and the link that works is https://www.texasonefund.org/copy-of-donate-now weird
  22. My bad, I'm remembering other contemporaneous copycats that used TSR's model for their schemes. I'll fix my post, thanks for catching that
  23. And four terms is right out
  24. Welcome to the joys of snap restructuring led by an empty suit with an MBA!
  25. My bad, Bitcoin is also excellent for operating a criminal enterprise at scale. One step further, I really doubt that TSR's operating model would be palatable for any real business considering how much overhead and time they spend on just maintaining crypto infra, rather than traditional payment means. Also, you're an order of magnetude off on scale, TSR only sold $183M in revenue off illegal drugs and human trafficking and contract killers Most of Ulbricht's profits came from the money laundering services of the tumblers he operated, and it came out to around $13M in profits for him at the time.
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