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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 26 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    Are these the same fucking nutjobs who subscribe to the German equivalent of Qanon?  They believe the Nazis didn't lose WWII but rather snuck away and continue to govern the Reich as government-in-exile in Nevada or some shit?  Nice to know we're not the only Western Democracy with heavily armed stupid people.  

    While we gently treat people who attempt to overthrow the existing state order and replace it with their own like the little snowflakes they are, Germany rounds them up for severely long federal prison sentences.  Thoughts and prayers to the families of some of these men on their upcoming "accidental suicides."  

    I'll bet dollars to donuts this is somehow connected to Russia/Ukraine.  

    Call me crazy, but I think the Germans have a much different relationship and cultural memory with fascism then we do. They've already found out, no need to fuck around

    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. 4 minutes ago, lemonlime said:

    Even if I was completely self interested, not sure how making the poor pay more, when they can't afford what they pay already, helps me.  It's a small amount of money at best, because you can't get blood from a stone. And what's the end result?  More homeless?  More people in prison?  More people using the emergency room for primary care so that we're all paying their hospital bills?  Maybe one of them can rear end my car, but not have been able to afford insurance.  Or worked at the grocery store while sick, giving it to me.

    I can't believe we're even debating that the country is a better place to live if we don't shit on the poor.

    It's not about helping you, it's about punishing them for having the temerity for being a poor in America! You've got bootstraps, dontcha??? If we make things too easy then the poors may forget how to use those bootstraps to create shareholder value!

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  3. 6 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    The people we need to be worried about already knew about this vulnerability and have been planning to exploit it for awhile.  From a longer thread:


    More mainstream reporting on this risk is vital to getting anyone to actually address it.

    I betcha anything that the "firearms manufacturing" was making AR lowers too. Any chucklefuck with a drill press can buy a jig online and turn bar stock into lowers, excellent for outfitting your militia

  4. 1 hour ago, Incredulity said:

    He said plainly corporations, “get tax breaks intended for families”.  That is incorrect. 

    Well you may have me there on the barest technicality, but they still do receive a significant tax benefit. The 2017 TCAJ act allows a landlord to deduct 20% of their net rental income and specifically made it more advantageous for corporate landlords - while removing the SALT deductions for mere plebes like you and me. Unless you're a renter, and then RIP lol

  5. 14 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Stochastic terrorism: an unanticipated addition to my vocabulary thanks to Brisket. It needs to find its way to common usage. 

    It's a common tactic of fascists - there weren't that many ordered attacks and purges of Jews in nazi germany. It's just that folks were whipped into such a frenzy that it normalized their insane hatred until even your average Hans had no choice but to participate. 

    Words matter. Trump's actions on January 6 are a prototypical example of stochastic terrorism in that he didn't direct anyone to do anything specific, but ensured a unity of vision for the desired end state, got everyone jacked to the tits, and then let em the fuck loose. 

    It's a pretty goddamn similar pattern to evangelical preachers. It's just that you'd expect them to apply the tactic to a mission trip and not to demonizing gays

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    • Rage+1 3
  6. 29 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    Are you claiming that corporations can take the home mortgage interest deduction?

    Their ownership of that property prevents a family from otherwise claiming that credit, increasing the tax burden on individuals relative to corporations. Even more so, of course. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. Edit: wrong thread derp 

    Edit2: may as well use the post lol. @fattyflattie when you watch Annie, do you cheer for daddy Warbucks to not adopt Annie? Since she's just a freeloader who doesn't earn her keep at the orphanage and all that

    • Haha 2
  8. 42 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    The poor being lazy or defective in some way is such a bullshit take.  

    It's part of his fundamentally hierarchically structured world view: the wealthy are so because they're better, the poor are so because they're worse.

    "Why should we reward people for being worse, and punish people for being successful?", to paraphrase his objection to social safety nets and taxation in general 

    • Hook 'Em 4
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    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  9. Just now, McCroskey said:

    Yeah, suddenly, and for reasons that make no sense and should be concerning to people who may not think about precedents. You say this as if removing a media company from sharing their content with over a million people, probably a large % of their base, is a nothingburger.

    So you disagree with Elmo and think that everyone has a right to freedom of speech AND freedom of reach?

    And yes, it is a nothing burger. Twitter is a private company. If you don't like their policies, don't use their service. Nobody is making you use it.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  10. 23 minutes ago, McCroskey said:

    As I said, my issue has NEVER been about the laptop. As I said, I don’t GAF about the laptop. For some reason you keep going back to that.

    My guy, the release that elmo got your tits all jacked over was blurry dick picks of hunter Biden. It's not a free speech issue to remove non consentual nudes from a platform. Nobody was threatened legally and the publication itself wasnt forced to retract it's words - they just weren't allowed to use twitter as a platform to advance their speech. 

    But you sure do seem to care, despite your protests lol

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  11. 8 minutes ago, freyguy said:

    gonna laugh my ass off when Ukrainie and the rest of the free Baltic nations realize that they can push all the way back into Moscow.  And then Russia becomes *poof* no more.

    nuclear explosion GIF

    If Russia proper is invaded

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