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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. On 10/27/2022 at 7:43 PM, Humble Beast said:

    People are worried that he’ll open up Twitter to users that had been expelled, such as Trump. Given that almost all the heavy moderation/censorship was anti-Right, then the reversal of this will lead to a hellscape. 

    Imagine, none of this would’ve happened if the woke crew that ran Twitter hadn’t banned the Babylon Bee account. Lol


    1 hour ago, Aqua Buddha said:


    Man I'm so happy for HumbleGRUvibes is finally getting his favorite people unbanned from twitter! Thank goodness Elmo got rid of """woke twitter"""



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  2. 3 hours ago, fattyflattie said:

    Only anyone with eyes. The numbers are easy. They take more than they contribute. That is a net negative for their contribution to society.  The rich don’t pay shit either, but at least they aren’t spitting in our fucking hamburgers before heading down to grab some groceries a net positive payer provides for them.  

    Holy shit mr hierarchical structures boy! You sure do love you some fascist adjacent ideology lol. The rich would absolutely spit in your burger after getting to know you, I'm sure of it champ

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  3. 8 hours ago, immamac said:

    I mean there's no errors server side - where are you geographically?? I think cloudflare sucks. 

    Cloudflare does suck, drop em like a hot potato! If you're only using them for CDN and DNS it's pretty easy to move that somewhere else

  4. 4 hours ago, 'stache said:

    This is starting to feel like a guy who buys a bar thinking it'll be fun to sit around drinking with your friends, then realizes that there are financial and staffing hassles and you have to deal with a lot of belligerent drunks. I wonder if and when the novelty of his new toy will wear off and he realizes he can't unload it because he massively overpaid. The old shareholders have to be laughing their asses off watching this trainwreck from their brand new yachts courtesy of ol' Elmo.

    So what you're saying is Elmo needs John Taffer to do a bar rescue on Twitter?

  5. 1 minute ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

    It's also funny how many people will scream about net neutrality concerns but don't see an issue with what Apple is doing / has done.

    Can you explain to me how what apple is doing has anything to do with net neutrality? Right to repair and right to modify are certainly important issues, but are very distinct from issues like zero-rating content and differential rates for competitors content

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  6. 1 minute ago, MeerkatBong said:

    It will be interesting to see if Musk can recruit other big name CEO/companies to create a coalition to go against Apple. Fortnite and Shopify are premiere names in consumers minds:

    In taking the gloves off with Apple, Musk formed an alliance with other tech leaders who’ve been grumbling about the App Store:


    Which op-ed author wrote that? Lol, I dont think other tech execs are looking to hitch their wagon to Elmo's star right now. 

    (Chrispy for the love of god, please try to remember to link what you're citing)

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  7. 3 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:
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    And he shares his dreams with (Force) ghosts.

    But I think he’s probably not.  Gilroy was trying to avoid fan service and avoid too many tropes or whatever you want to call them.

    I really loved how Andor gave us ghosts from the past to encourage our heros in their darkest hour, but instead of a ghostly Obi Wan on Hoth, we got Nemek's manifesto and Marva's speech. Its the magic of a force ghost, but technological and accessible to the regular Joe's of the galaxy. Andor did loads of subversion of Jedi touchstones, including Nemek's "try" in direct conversation with Yoda's "do or do not"

    Goddamn the show is so good, my favorite since The Expanse, hands down

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 23 hours ago, crash_davis said:

    it is incredible how the whole creative team knocked this series out of the fucking park.  incredible writing, acting, directing, music, and editing. the tiniest of details were planned and executed like how the intro music got more complex as the series progressed and how the intro music IS the music played at the funeral march. every shot and story was deliberately told to show the character progression of Andor from a thug thief to a rebel.

    his story is mirrored by Syril. Syril's pursuit of Andor kicked off the actions which made Andor become who he is at the end of this seaon. Syril is the poster boy for the empire's quest for order through control. Syril shares a similar character growth, but with opposite path. one becomes rebel dedicated to fighting the empire and the other becomes an empire agent dedicated to enforcing the empire's will.

    there are 2 really good youtube channels which offer amazing insight to this show.

    Screen crush is great.


    Generation Tech goes even deeper into the stories. It's basically a dude talking but so much insight into the characters and the story lines. 


    If you're into podcasts, check out A More Civilized Age. It's four nerds that are professional writers and creatives that were doing a Clone Wars podcast and paused to watch Andor, but they REALLY get into things. Excellent discussion that even maps some of Nemeks writing to the modern day contemporary revolutionary authors 

  9. 30 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Every accusation is a confession, Exhibit number infinity.  Blah blah blah.  The cognitive dissonance and utter stupidity of the American right is so profound and intense that it defies description by mere words.

    It's not a small part of my concern with WWS and sack's singular obsession with "PEDOS!!!!"

    • Hook 'Em 4
  10. 7 minutes ago, Samson's Wig said:

    How is this different than Facebook?  It's a free for all shit fest for the most part, which is why everyone's aging parents have gone full-stupid over the last few years.  Who advertises there?  How does lizard boy manage this shit better than Elrond the half man? Or does he?

    Well for one, most of the facebook insanity happens inside of groups that you won't see unless you're connected to them either directly or by a friend. Twitter is all public all the time, so that sort of hate speech is much easier to get amplified and turn into an embarrassment for twitter, whereas on FB, it's somewhat easier to hide and suppress before it becomes a major story

    • Hook 'Em 3
  11. 2 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    Elon's phone talk is trending on social media right now. His fan club thinks it is a great idea. Among the counter side comments beside the ones with images of phones on fire,  a pundit remarked that Musk would buy/absorb a developing phone company, push the owners out and rebrand it as his phone, which was pretty funny. And accurate.

    Elon is doing with twitter what trump is trying to do with truth social lol

    • Haha 1
  12. 10 minutes ago, GenXer said:

    I’m having difficulty distinguishing what you’re describing as opposed to code snippets/plugins/etc that devs have been pulling from websites for years. Maybe ai can systemically identify the best code from some ai repository as opposed to a dev looking for it themselves. There seems to be value for the ai approach there.

    Story grooming sessions will be a lot of fun trying to describe the desired functionality to Max Headroom. If development goes the way of ai, requirements/story writing will need to conform to a very strict format that leaves no room for interpretation or nuance.

    It's moreso just putting in a description string like

    //method to get secret with SAML authentication

    And then the NLP and neural net spit out a method to do approximately that. The idea is to skip the "looking for code snippets on stackoverflow" step and build your idea more quickly

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  13. 9 minutes ago, Ten Bears said:

    So is there no easy way to ban porn on twitter?  Had some anal pop up on my feed today while at work.  I expect HR to be calling any minute.

    I have never looked at porn on twitter.  Twatter? Sure.

    How dare you censor that FREE SPEECH!!

  14. 2 hours ago, Goredho said:

    Yep, if you can be replaced for something cheaper, you will be.  Tangential thread hijack ensuing...

    Everyone at my job is all atwitter (pun intended) about Github's CoPilot, which uses AI to generate code from natural human language.  "Open a csv file and convert each row to JSON with attribute names equal to header values" and it spits out code in your chosen programming language that will do just that.  It's AI is trained on all the code repositories on Github, and also leverages your use of it as a digital coding assistant to continue to train its model.

    It speeds up some repetitive tasks for sure, and the people using it are getting some things done faster.  It is still somewhat crude and needs human oversight, but it is not inconceivable that at some point it's continued training leads to it being a good enough code monkey that some (most?) human code monkeys are no longer needed.  It will probably hit the outsourced workforce first, but if/when the outsourced workers are all replaced by lower cost AI code monkey options, it will start to eat away at US tech jobs.

    The people I see embracing and using this don't seem to realize they are willing participants in automating away tech jobs.  Individuals getting more done in less time means the company can maintain the same throughput with less human engineers.  Your training of the AI to do what you do is training your non-human replacement.  It's like auto factory workers in the 1960s training the robots that would start to replace them en masse in the 1970s.  Tech nerds are bedazzled by the technical coolness of AI writing code for them while executives above them twiddle their handle bar mustaches while contemplating the potential cost savings opportunity.

    It's probably poetic justice, given it has been the tech nerds who have been the foot soldiers in the war of automation against American workers.  But how does the mass of the population earn a living in a post-post industrial capitalistic society where even skilled labor has been automated away?

    AWS also has their own version, but for cloud infra as code. Watch out cloud admins, CDK is coming to get ya 👀


    34 minutes ago, GenXer said:

    I’m skeptical of ai doing away with dev jobs. At this very moment I’m blocked from testing a downstream issue because the software application won’t let me perform an upstream function. When this happens, I chat with a dev to troubleshoot the upstream issue. Assuming devs go away, explaining this to some ai and having it explain whether it’s a data issue, configuration issue, or some previous deployment failed seems dubious.

    AI code is moreso to create the foundational boilerplate and give you a starting off point that's already mostly ready to go, and then you customize from there. There's not really any pattern of "AI code" that isn't still steered by a human, since neural nets haven't learned the ins and outs and whathaveyous of IaC. Yet

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  15. More on topic: another hero of the shooting is speaking out from the hospital:

    Thomas James, Navy sailor credited as hero in Club Q shooting, speaks out for first time from hospital bed: 'when you come out of the closet, come out swinging'


    Among the heroes identified by witnesses and officials in the Club Q shooting was U.S. Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Thomas James, who reportedly charged the suspected shooter with Richard Fierro and possibly others at the bar.

    James, through a Centura Heath spokesman, issued a statement Sunday for the first time since the shooting at the Colorado Springs LGBTQ nightclub.

    "I simply wanted to save the family I found," James said. "If I had my way, I would shield everyone I could from the nonsensical acts of hate in the world, but I am only one person."

    "Thankfully, we are family, and family looks after one another," James continued. "We came a long way from Stonewall. Bullies aren't invincible. I want to support everyone who has known the pain and loss that have been all too common these past few years. My thoughts are with those we lost on Nov. 19, and those who are still recovering from their injuries. To the youth, I say be brave. Your family is out there. You are loved and valued. So when you come out of the closet, come out swinging." 

    James is recovering from unspecified injuries at Centura Penrose Hospital in Colorado Springs, where a number of victims were sent after the shooting. A hospital spokesman said James is now in stable condition.

    Colorado Springs Police Chief Adrian Vasquez said that James was one of two people who helped to stop the suspected shooter who walked into Club Q late on Nov. 19 with multiple firearms and is accused of killing five people. At least 17 others were injured.

    James reportedly pushed a rifle out of the suspect's reach while Fierro repeatedly struck the shooter with a handgun they brought into the bar, officials have said.


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  16. 1 hour ago, Satchel said:

    The Dems need to amp up talk about expanding the Court.

    The answer in right on front of them: have a justice for each circuit court like we used to

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  17. Pretty crazy that the rail companies are willing to face a billion in lost revenue A DAY just to avoid treating their workers like human beings instead of numbers. Seems like poor long term management decision making to me

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  18. 2 minutes ago, FartingMonk said:

    Wlarmart doesn't sell AR15s.  and since i've been allowed to vote.  I have gone GWB, Obama, Obama, Trump(just because I think Hillary is the most evil person alive) and 3rd party.  So yeah.

    None of those people actually do the voting on laws, in case you missed that schoolhouse rock.

    I've seen your cutesy bit before of picking at details to avoid talking about the actual problem of sick people with easy, ready, rapid, and fully legal access to guns. It's old and busted boomergun shit. 

    1 minute ago, FartingMonk said:

    And why don't you ask yourself how you're not helping?  The people in the middle that actually want to listen and say hey that shit makes sense get talked down and berated because they want to have a gun.  All you do is make people who say yeah, there should be something done about it begin to not give a fuck.  So what have YOU done about gun control ecxcept giving lip service?

    Also, that's me. I own guns and want to own guns and think that responsible ownership is important. Hell, I have a bunch of reloading dies and gear and components from shooting IDPA and handloading for my CZ-P07 to get minimal recoil while still hitting power requirements. I know guns and own guns, and I've seen exactly nothing happen in the decade following Sandy Hook and every other horrible terrorist mass shooting, thanks in no small part to rhetoric and talking points like yours. 

    I've changed my voting habits pretty much across the board, call and write my legislators (which is honestly just pissing in the wind, but I do it), and I don't lie to myself and everyone else that what we have in place now is working. I know the next step in gun control is going to probably be an overstep. But goddamnit we cannot keep kicking the can down the road. 

    But sure, let's play the ACKSHUALLY game to avoid actually thinking critically about the problem 

  19. 7 minutes ago, FartingMonk said:

    You're mixing two separate shitting incidents together to go with your narrative.  The fuckhead that shot his people in Walmart had a pistol that he bought same day.  The fuckhead that shot the club in Alabama used an AR that he had purchased way before.  The only commonality between the two was they felt that they were bullied and went apeshit and had their "falling down" moment.  Yeah, it fucking sucks.  Maybe we need to quit being shitty ass humans. 

    ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ my bad, there's just so many shootings it's easy to get them mixed up, mea culpa. 

    Say, could you clarify what narrative I'm promoting here? Because I hope you're picking up that it's too goddamn easy to buy a gun. CO Springs had a bomb threat and police action against him that didn't even touch the NICS system, and Walmart bought it that morning. 

    15 minutes ago, FartingMonk said:

    I've already said I'm all for a 10 day waiting period.  I'm all for beefed up background checks.  I'm all for limiting mags to 15 or less.  I'm all for buying a safe to lock your gun up.  I'm all for tough gun sentences.  Want to raise the gun laws to 21 and up?  I'm all for that too.  All I said was I was against registering for guns because I don't believe that does anything to help gun safety but add more taxes.  But yeah, I'm being unreasonable. 

    I'll bet you'll never ever vote for a single person who would actually advance any of those things from idea to passed legislation. But you're totally helping!

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