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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 7 minutes ago, FartingMonk said:

    You're mixing two separate shitting incidents together to go with your narrative.  The fuckhead that shot his people in Walmart had a pistol that he bought same day.  The fuckhead that shot the club in Alabama used an AR that he had purchased way before.  The only commonality between the two was they felt that they were bullied and went apeshit and had their "falling down" moment.  Yeah, it fucking sucks.  Maybe we need to quit being shitty ass humans. 

    ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ my bad, there's just so many shootings it's easy to get them mixed up, mea culpa. 

    Say, could you clarify what narrative I'm promoting here? Because I hope you're picking up that it's too goddamn easy to buy a gun. CO Springs had a bomb threat and police action against him that didn't even touch the NICS system, and Walmart bought it that morning. 

    15 minutes ago, FartingMonk said:

    I've already said I'm all for a 10 day waiting period.  I'm all for beefed up background checks.  I'm all for limiting mags to 15 or less.  I'm all for buying a safe to lock your gun up.  I'm all for tough gun sentences.  Want to raise the gun laws to 21 and up?  I'm all for that too.  All I said was I was against registering for guns because I don't believe that does anything to help gun safety but add more taxes.  But yeah, I'm being unreasonable. 

    I'll bet you'll never ever vote for a single person who would actually advance any of those things from idea to passed legislation. But you're totally helping!

  2. 4 hours ago, Buzzrock said:

    Just saw an ad for Andor and it was all tie fighters and star destroyers lol. Some folks gonna tune in and be disappointed, but hopefully it grabs them.

    Lol maybe they'll pay attention to what they watch before they decide it's not good, because it sounds like you're talking about your first viewing experience

  3. 46 minutes ago, FartingMonk said:

    I realized I just needed to bow out and not say anything else.  They don't want to hear what I'm talking about and I don't want to hear what they're talking about.  Not worth it.

    See ya next time there's a mass murder with a gun purchased earlier that day by someone with a forest of red flags! Hope it's not you or your family in the next one, lord knows y'all won't have any queens around to save your asses

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:


    Surprisingly, no reply:





    Also, it directly violates his own rules lol. Trump got banned for encouraging the Jan6 attacks and continuing to use the platform to attack the election result. There's been a shitload of convictions directly stemming from that event, and I would think it meets Elmo's violence or illegal activity standard for getting banned ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  5. Just now, FartingMonk said:

    Many places do the 4473 electronically now.  Hell, update the 4473.  Make it more stringent.  Just don't use it to fucking tax me

    Nobody but y'all are bringing up taxation lol. This is what the progun side does in this conversation, I've been guilty of doing it in the past too. You're attacking arguments not being made, and defending positions that aren't relfective of reality.

    Also, even though those 4473's are electronic, they are still required by the Gun Control Act to print it physically and store that as the record. Not the electronic copy. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Parliament said:

    That said, picking up our toys and coming home from China is absolutely the right thing to do.  We need to shame American companies into doing more.

    Sounds like socialist regulations that will harm the pay structure for executives

    • Like 1
  7. 15 minutes ago, FartingMonk said:

    The 4473 already takes down the serial number of the gun.

    It's literally illegal to store a 4473 digitally, and the system has been kneecapped to make tracing impossible. It's technically possible, but it takes diving into a warehouse like the end of Indiana Jones and physically sifting through reams and reams of paper. By design. 

    Frankly, the 4473 system is woefully inadequate - I can't sell a gun safely without going to a FFL to have them do a NICS check. And even then, NICS is only as good as the data put into it, and we've seen a number of shooters obtain a gun from an FFL despite not passing a NICS check because it fails open by design. 

    Don't lie to me or yourself and say that our current system is sufficient and just needs a couple tweaks to be perfect. It's been intentionally designed to make it as easy as possible to get a gun TODAY. Hell, who cares if you're under felony indictment for domestic violence? GIT DAT MAN A DAMN GAT! Handcrushers kids gotta eat too!

    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. Update: finding out is well underway

    Judge Upholds $49 Million Verdict Against Alex Jones, Despite Cap

    A Texas judge said on Tuesday that she would order the Infowars fabulist Alex Jones to pay the entire $49 million verdict a jury had awarded to the parents of a Sandy Hook school shooting victim, despite a Texas law capping punitive damages at far less than the amount jurors had allotted.

    In August, a jury in Austin, Texas, ordered Mr. Jones to pay Scarlett Lewis and Neil Heslin, whose son Jesse Lewis died in the massacre in Newtown, Conn., $4 million in compensatory damages and $45 million in punitive damages after Mr. Jones spread lies that the shooting had been staged and that the parents were actors. Texas law caps punitive damages at two times economic damages plus $750,000 per plaintiff, which a lawyer for Mr. Jones, F. Andino Reynal, had predicted would limit the award to far less than the jury’s verdict.

    But in a hearing on Tuesday, Judge Maya Guerra Gamble of the District Court in Travis County, where Infowars is based, questioned the constitutionality of the Texas cap, and called the verdict “a rare case” in which the emotional damage inflicted on Ms. Lewis and Mr. Heslin was so severe that “I believe they have no recourse.”

  9. 17 minutes ago, Humble Beast said:

    Here’s your daily wtf is this shit column on Sam. He wasn’t planning to save the world. It was all a scam. He’s already admitted it in leaked DMs. 

    Yeah no shit lol. Effective altruism basically boiled down to the virtues of wealth and neolib economic policy, and backed by a baseline belief that YOU and YOU alone can be altruistic. 

    I hadn't really heard of it until I heard of SBF, but it's pretty absurd

    • Haha 1
  10. 1 hour ago, fattyflattie said:

    For the most part, yes.  Made a bunch of waves around here last year because someone printed a few hundred lowers at $4 per or thereabouts, and Harris county bought them back for $250/per during a county buyback.  They caught some heat (embarrassed) so now they won’t take them going forwards. Which sucks because they need to be off the street.  But yeah, basically untraceable guns cobbled together.  

    Honestly, you shouldn't be able to buy as many parts to an AR through the mail without checks as you can. If you can hate fuck a piece of metal with a drill long enough, you'll get an AR lower and literally anyone with a credit card can buy everything else to make it go bang. 

    And it'll go together easily because it was designed to be that way. Its a big part of why I built one - it's a fun toy to take to the range. But I also recognize that it's presence has been uniquely dangerous in our society and that something has GOT to change

  11. It's gonna be interesting in season 2 when Vel and Cinta learn about Cassian!

    Awesome fkn finale! I loved seeing big hammer bell dude getting in on the punch a fascist action too

  12. 7 minutes ago, Humble Beast said:

    I never said it was a sure thing. It swings wildly because it has inelastic supply so increases or decreases in demand and leverage cause larger swings in price. As more capital moves into it over time, the volatility should lessen. 

    Capital is moving out of Bitcoin, and the main driver of demand for it was the forest of shit coins and SBF's out there looking for arbitrage opportunities. Now that there's fewer and fewer shit coins and the dumb money is now just dumb with no money, there's going to be less capital moving into the crypto space. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  13. 4 hours ago, 52-80 said:

    If you bought long-duration US Treasury bonds from 5 years ago, you are underwater in nominal terms. 

    If you bought high-yield corporate bonds from 5 years ago, you are underwater in real terms.

    If you bought US equities from 5 years ago -- like the above 2 securities -- you are still underperforming bitcoin


    Stuff goes up, and stuff goes down.  If you bought the entire Nasdaq in 2021, ex-post you were a genius.  If you bought the entire Nasdaq in 2022, ex-post you are an idiot.

    The only receipt that matters is where you got in and where you got out.  Please spare people the sanctimony of your hindsight geniuses.

    Madoffs clients had a similar argument, until they didn't. Fraud is fraud my dude

    • Hook 'Em 1
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