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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 23 minutes ago, Porterhouse said:

    Regardless, I am sorry there are people with platforms who speak in this manner. It’s not what I believe or was taught, and it’s embarrassing being associated with them. And it leads to shit like Saturday night.  

    What's crazy is that it's not what I was taught growing up, but there's other people I grew up with in the same environment who never deprogrammed who are now repeating the same hateful rhetoric that I've been harping on. I don't know how they got there from the place our paths parted. 

    But it's a pattern that I see from coast to coast, with startling synchrony in picking up new talking points and "just asking questions" about the same conspiratorial theories. And we are seeing a ramp up of those conspiracy theories being used as motivation for a terrorist attack.

    It's a fucking cancer that's been left to metastasize in the protestant evangelical christian community, and I see no signs of any evangelical leader giving enough of a shit to do anything about it. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. Remember that crazy video of a guy getting handed AT-4's when he asked for a 50cal reload? He just published a commentary video for that whole crazy engagement vid

    From looking at the other uploads, the dude seems like the guy he says he is. Pretty crazy to get this sort of insight into an engagement and military action directly from the boots on the ground

    • Hook 'Em 8
  3. 11 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

    I'm not saying we need bullying in schools - I'm not a monster - but I am saying we need to bully adult nerds.  And they will thank us for it someday.  Elon would ultimately have more self-esteem, and an extra $44 billion, if we stuffed him in a few lockers and slapped him around from time to time instead of encouraging him to let the whole world see his tweets.



    • Haha 2
  4. 40 minutes ago, Humble Beast said:

    Again to clarify, I’m only discussing bitcoin, not all of crypto. 

    “New suckers” aka users or adopters are created each cycle by global central bank and government policies. 

    You are intentionally ignoring that BTC is the reserve currency for the rest of crypto and demand for BTC is largely driven by speculation in those other coins. As the rest of crypto deflates, people are going to also exit their BTC positions for an asset with actual value and utility. 

    Or at least, they're hoping to find money dumber than they were so they can get cash back for their crypto

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 50 minutes ago, Hate said:

    I simply asked an AR owner that has posted many many times that these guns only have one purpose and that is to kill many people efficiently, why does he still have one?

    I've never posted that on this site or any other site. But you're welcome to prove me wrong with evidence for this claim. 

    An AR is an excellent range toy and it has excellent customizability because you just drop on a new upper and you've got another caliber of rifle ready to go. But wouldn't ya know it, I never use the damn thing except for at the range. Us giving up our range toys isn't going to make you less free. 

    22 minutes ago, Cornpop said:

    Then why don't you lead by example and get rid of yours instead of being a fucking hypocrite?

    How about instead of demanding action from a single person, we work towards a collective change that actually removes the objectively easy availability of firepower from our society?

    For fucks sake it's easy for a 17 year old to get an AR and go hunting in a riot. It's easy for a man known to be making bombs to get an AR and go shoot up a drag show. It's easy for a kid with known mental health problems in Uvalde to go buy an AR and pulp a dozen children. 

    How is my """leading by example""" going to make a goddamn bit of difference to any of those people? How is my singular action going to meaningfully impact the national trend (supported by very fine people like you and yours) of ignoring gun laws and letting these terrorists through the cracks? 

    You don't give a shit about any of this. You just want us to stop talking about it, so you'll busy yourself with attacking individuals and finding reasons like hYpoCriSy to ignore them, and happily rinse the gore off and wait for another group you find icky to get massacred

    • Hook 'Em 6
  6. 6 minutes ago, horn4life said:

    You know who I actually think is the biggest racist on the court... Clarence Thomas.  He loathes his skin color and likes to pretend that race doesn't exist and that his skin color has nothing to do with HIS success.  When in fact he really has a lot in common with Herschel Walker.  He was the best choice for a Black Republican to check a racial box. Nothing more, nothing less. It was his skin color rather that was the primary reason for nomination. To think otherwise is silliness.

    Thomas's father all but disowned him after he left seminary school to become a lawyer under the promise that he would use his legal degree to advance the civil rights struggle. Thomas now very cynically trades on the idealized image of his father as a traditional conservative tough man, when Thomas endured so much abuse from him and ultimately betrayed his father. 

    Thomas really is the best depiction of the modern conservative movement. Cynical and dishonest. 

    • Hook 'Em 6
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  7. 3 minutes ago, Schulz2.0 said:


    VT shells are old news, the ships that hauled my grandaddy's ass to Midway were shooting them by 1944! However fitting that into a 20MM shell rather than a 127MM shell is pretty amazing, I wonder what the cost per shell is. And also, if that's what they're showing us just image how crazy the cutting edge shit is

    • Hook 'Em 4
  8. 8 minutes ago, Hate said:

    But here you are on this site talking about getting rid of a type of gun that you own, yet doing fuck all about it. Turn in your AR. Set an example.  I’ve said multiple times on this site that I would support a ban on ARs.  So fuck off!

    I mean I've changed my voting habits, stopped buying firearms stuff (aside from shells for birds), and have actively campaigned for some gun control measures as a response to these horrific events. Much like climate change, a single person taking action doesn't make a shit. It has to be collective to actually get us closer to a reality in which religious extremists stop using it to slaughter what they consider to be SINNERS and PEDOS and anyone else their pastor tells them to hate

    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. 2 hours ago, CycleTex87 said:

    How much money she still got?  Asking for a friend.

    No really, she was the world's youngest female billionaire or some such.  But it was all tied up in Theranos, right, or was it?  I'm sure the government attached all her assets, right?  How does any of this work?  Splain it to me like I'm 5.

    The move by the ultra wealthy has been to take out loans using their stocks as collateral. They can capitalize their stocks, but retain ownership. 

    It's a hell of a thing if your stock is on the rise and interest rates are low. And it contributes to inflation, hooray!

  10. 31 minutes ago, Armybrat said:

    So what you’re saying it is the failure of the government to enforce its own laws?

    Well ultimately it's a failure of the leaders of the modern protestant evangelical movement to let so much hate fester within their walls. And to allow themselves to become so coopted by the political system and entrenched into the gun debate. 

    When you add hate plus firearms, and multiply that by a faith-tinted righteousness in motivation and cover from corrupt cops that defy the law to secure the means of their terrorism.... It's a bit more complicated than "gUbMiNt BaD!!"

    • Hook 'Em 7
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  11. 5 minutes ago, cactusflinthead said:

    All of this. It's going to be tough to get info on the case. I hope someone latches on to it like a bulldog. This stinks all over the place.

    This kid should be Example 1A for red flag laws, which the sheriff ran on not enforcing. Make that fucker answer. Start asking around and dig. 

    What if I told you that El Paso county (where Colorado Springs is) and many other counties passed "Second Amendment Sanctuary" ordinances that effectively defanged state gun regulations? I'd betcha the local cops knew and didn't do anything about it, because why go after grandson of a progun politician??

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Rage+1 3
  12. 9 minutes ago, Armybrat said:

    It also appears that the shooter (surprise surprise) has multiple priors. Including one in which his mother reported him to the police for having built a bomb. 

    Police are now investigating how he acquired a gun.

    Colorado has:
    Universal background checks
    Red Flag Laws
    and Magazine Capacity Restrictions. 

    None of which stopped this from happening.

    He has a grandfather in the state lege, and Colorado Springs is proud to call itself a "second amendment sanctuary" that passed local ordinances to undo the state gun laws. 

    So I'm betting the local cops aren't too big on telling the white grandson of a pro-2A state politician that he can't get a gun. 

    • Hook 'Em 6
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  13. 7 hours ago, troph said:

    You aren’t getting sympathy from the queers defending focus on the family. They are a hate group. I’ve ignored them for years but in my impressionable years they advocated heavily for conversion therapy for gays and lesbians and claimed scripture supported being transgender was sinful.  Thought they do not advocate gun violence against us they do advocate intolerance. Gross, disgusting organization, worthy of severe criticism. 

    Focus on the family? More like aim at the gays. 

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