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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 16 minutes ago, cactusflinthead said:

    He has a history.

    "Tactical Support Unit, which includes the Regional Explosives Unit was called in. Around 10 homes were evacuated in the surrounding area, while an emergency text notification was sent out to homes within a 1/4-mile radius of the address.

    The Regional Explosives Unit cleared both homes and did not find any explosive devices.

    At around 6:00 p.m., the suspect was taken into custody and has been booked into the El Paso County Jail. Aldrich faces two counts of Felony Menacing and three counts of First-Degree Kidnapping."


    June of last year 

    Sure sounds like the kind of guy we want owning an AR-15

  2. 50 minutes ago, Buzzrock said:

    Wouldn’t it be out of character for Andor to rush back to the one place he knows everyone is looking for him? Especially since Mom is already dead?

    Does he know Bix has been captured and is being tortured?

    He doesn't know any of this - he's been in prison for ages. And Bix has been in the hands of the ISB for ages too

  3. 37 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    “Elon is bringing free speech and Trump back to Twitter while taking on the pedos”‘is a little too on the nose for a certain stoopid subset in this moment of American life. 

    As seen in the rittenhouse thread, just scream "PEDO!!!" over and over to browbeat anyone who disagrees with them, and paint you as sympathetic to pedos. It's how qanon works too

    • Like 2
  4. 22 hours ago, Humble Beast said:

    Alt-right darling huh?

    I’ve not seen her categorized as anything like that online. And I’m there quite a bit. 

    Apparently she posted lots of insane shit on her Tumblr blog. 



    Now, details from a blog linked to Ellison have begun to shed light on the former Alameda CEO’s personal beliefs and world philosophy—one shaped by hardline views on polyamory and sexual competition, a fascination with race science, and a belief in the natural synergy between crypto and fraud.

    The Tumblr account, active from 2014 until its deletion Sunday, went by the name of “Fake Charity Nerd Girl” and the handle “worldoptimization.” The personal details revealed by the account’s author over its eight years of activity—including educational history, professional history, and living history—match up perfectly with Ellison’s biography. Further, when the account’s author announced they opened a Twitter account in March 2021, they linked to Ellison’s Twitter page, which was created the same month.


    The account’s author consistently displayed a fascination with sex and power dynamics. In another post, the author said that two key qualities of a “cute boy” are “controlling most major world governments” and possessing “sufficient strength to physically overpower you.”

    The Ellison-linked account also demonstrated a substantial preoccupation with “hbd” or “human biodiversity,” an online euphemism for the discredited fields of race science and eugenics popularized by the alt-right.

    Tldr: crazy chick that's into polyamory and being a harem member also strongly believes in hierarchical supremacy and uses the same dog whistles around """human biodiversity""" that circulate texags and the chan's. 

    It took me about 2 seconds of googling to find ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

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  5. 6 minutes ago, G650 said:

    Mastodon is essentially a diffuse Twitter. They really need to get the front end more integrated to make it convenient enough to use

    Mastodon is what happens when a bunch of engineers build a social media site lol. It's very modern and efficient, but damned if anyone knows how to use it lol. The simplicity of twitter is its greatest limitation and greatest strength. 

    I can't wait to see how complicated twitter 2.0 is, if it is at all

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  6. 1 hour ago, Porterhouse said:

    Fracking isn’t causing earthquakes. Period. Injecting water in attempt to dispose of it is. I’ve already laid out a solution. You reference an article over 7 years old to explain how that’s not economic. 

    Your solution doesn't mean much to everyone who's wells are draining thanks to the dumping of wastewater. That's happening right now. Sorry I referenced an article that's too old for you, but I'd rather see examples of your proposed solution IN ACTION in the real world than just what an oil investor's "green" pitch is.

    No shit they aren't injecting into the water table - but their injection of water can destabilize, spread into, and contaminate water tables. You wanna drink a glass of water from a nearby water well a few years after a drill? 

    1 hour ago, Porterhouse said:

    Try and focus for a minute. I know it’s hard for you in general, particularly when you think you know everything when you laughably do not. 

    What should I focus on? Your on-paper idea? While your industry continues to not use it because it costs too much?

  7. 5 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    I actually still retain 4% skepticism that the Apollo missions didn't occur.  The propulsion and engineering physics of it all were/are possible, but I am not totally convinced the return trip and its tracking were technically possible back then.  But that is assuaged by the fact that 400,000 people worked on that program between the rubber factory guy who made the tires to move the damn rocket to the launch pad to the flight director to the astronauts to the guy who designed the thing to make the thing to make the thing that would make the thing that would give us the heat shield to the black female computers to the whole damn Air Force, nevermind a buncha loudmouth ex-Nazis.  And nobody, in a day and age when everybody was a functioning alcoholic, leaked anything for 11 years?  Or the 50 years after? 400,000 Americans (and a few Germans) kept quiet about the biggest lie in our Solar System for that long?  

    We went there.  And we're going the fuck back, baby!  

    The Apollo missions are absolutely incredible in terms of sheer quantity technological advancements being integrated for the first time. The first ever integrated circuits, the first "chips" EVER were crafted by HAND and built into the first ever computer - the Apollo guidance computer was THE first general purpose computer! EVER!! And we used it to fly to the fucking moon!

    And now the SIM card in your cell phone, or any cheapo 4-function calculator, is a more powerful computer than what we flew to the moon on!

    I am very eager to see the fruits of that technogical advancement as we attempt to colonize Mars and Luna

    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. 27 minutes ago, Porterhouse said:

    Oil companies rarely inject anything into the ground after they complete a well. It is typically a 3rd party midstream company.

    Lol your logic is amazingly tortured:

    It's not the fracking companies injecting foul water into the water table, it's the people they paid to inject the foul water!

    It's not fracking that causes earthquakes and drains water wells, it's injecting the wastewater from the fracking process!

    You do realize that the world keeps turning and outcomes continue to happen even after you've reaped your profit and sold the contract to downstream right?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Porterhouse said:

    Oklahoma was exactly what I was thinking when I said this isn’t a Texas-only problem. And have you read any of this thread?  Fracs don’t cause earthquakes. Injecting wastewater is the sole reason. 


    6 minutes ago, Porterhouse said:

    Frac jobs


    5 minutes ago, Porterhouse said:

    Smoking directly causes cancer. The process of fracking doesn’t have a thing to do with earthquakes. It’s injecting wastewater downhole into another well. Recycling solves the problem. 

    Is it economically feasible to recycle frak water? The state of Texas says NO! Why else do you think they're injecting it into the ground lol? Fuck your negative externalities, clean water is for pussies! Papa's got profits to reap!

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  10. It's really funny seeing all the cryptobros leaning hard into the protection of daddy elmo and falsely claiming that there's some mass fear of twitter "right wing hellscape", because that's not what the tenor of that thread or the discussion has been.


    I mean, yeah, if you're mainlining cucker tarlson and other disinformation sources you might believe that, but it's objectively not a serious thing people are discussing here on Surly lol. I'm sure there's someone somewhere bemoaning it, but that's not really an honest representation of the norm on surly

    • Hook 'Em 3
  11. 1 hour ago, kevwun said:

    We've had small earthquakes where I live and a nearby fracking holding pond is currently in the process of draining my water well.  I have no doubt what the cause of the problems in my area is.

    Yeah but think of all the profits those oil barons can realize! What's a negative externality?

  12. Also, in happy news, everyone who did those idiotic crypto commercials is getting sued hooray!



    A new lawsuit filed by one of the country’s most prominent attorneys seeks to extract billions of dollars from a cryptocurrency executive and a star-studded cast of his 11 paid endorsers, including Tom Brady, Gisele Bundchen, Shaquille O’Neal and Naomi Osaka.


    The lawsuit, which was filed in Miami, alleges that FTX was designed “to take advantage of unsophisticated investors” by convincing them to use the company’s services to invest in crypto. None of the defendants who appeared in advertisements for the investment platform “performed any due diligence prior to marketing these FTX products to the public,” the filing added.


    The lawsuit, which will need court approval to move forward, said that overall American consumers have lost more than $11 billion dollars as a result of FTX’s actions. It was filed late Tuesday at U.S. District Court in Miami on behalf of Oklahoma resident Edwin Garrison.


    The proposed class action alleges the parties promoted unregistered securities and accuses them of violating Florida’s Securities and Investor Protection Act and the Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act.



    Adam Moskowitz, another counsel for the plaintiffs, said in the filing that he could not remember a time when “so many powerful and influential celebrities promoting as strongly and as persuasively as these people who are role models and are so well-respected by everyone.”

    By using their social media accounts, he said, the marketing appeals appeared more personal. They “targeted the regular consumer,” he said.

    Don't be like Larry.

  13. 21 minutes ago, Humble Beast said:

    The fraud he committed was two things. He issued an illegal security and gamed the resulting system to lever up. (This should be enforced. It’s already illegal.) He also co-mingled funds and stole from his own customers. Also illegal. I think those two things are the basis of majority of crypto exchange fraud that will come out.

    This is the fraud pattern of every unregulated crypto exchange that's out there and goes up in flames. They build layers and layers of obfuscation and abstraction and give you an NFT of a DAO voting token to keep you distracted from the fact that you CAN'T withdraw your funds or crypto anymore

    27 minutes ago, Humble Beast said:

    I haven’t seen anyone say to liquidate. I’ve seen tons of people say to pull your coins off exchanges. 

    Yeah dude. The whole FTX collapse started because a large enough depositor withdrew their funds from the exchange, and it touched off a liquidity crisis. 

    Every crypto exchange that's gone under has done so because of a liquidity crisis from fraudulently handling customer assets. This is just what crypto is, bro! TO THE MOOOON!

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