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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 6 minutes ago, immamac said:

    I don't even think their graphql api/framework/whatever is actually even graphql. They run off Manhattan which at the end of the day is KV based on RocksDB using mostly the mysql dialect to communicate through the stack. They may have written some abstraction layers, but those abstractions honestly serve little purpose except for making it easier for an army of thousands of devs to not have credentials to do stupid shit in production basically. 

    Eh the abstractions are moreso an artifact of business strategy to build with minimal dependency couplings to let their devs move more quickly and autonomously with generic service contracts. It's also enabled their architecture to gracefully fail as this and that microservice fail unexpectedly, for what it's worth.

    Either way, it does result in a shitload of overhead because they're using generic models for most functions that really could and should be leaned down - but who's got the tiiiiiiime to pay down all that tech debt, mayyyyne? Just throw some more cores and bandwidth at that bitch and let future you deal with it!




    At least, that's normally how large scale enterprises end up buried in a mountain of technical debt that a new engineer can inspect once and naively proclaim "you're doing it wrong!". Nevermind that there's this whole continuity of business thing because customer REALLY hate service interruptions and it's significantly damaging to your brand and customer trust

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 1 hour ago, immamac said:

    All of you buying into the engineers dooming is funny. Elon musk is kind of a cunt and I can’t believe I’m half defending him, but the large majority of people in that organization at this point are worthless. Twitter hasn’t exactly been the bastion of incredible technologies that scale in quite some time. They solved the Hardest problems a while ago and now they aren’t even necessarily hard problems anymore. Twitter scale isn’t small but it’s not holy fuck omg how do they do it anymore. Twitter doesn’t have that many core features that actually make it twitter and I think that you will see a drastic simplification of the feature set soon to reflect that. 

    No doubt that twitter has massive bloat - fundamentally their service is delivering like 250KB of data one tweet at a time via GraphQL, which ain't exactly groundbreaking lol. But on the other hand, elmo is tanking their business strategy. Charging tree fiddy works when you have minimal infra and staff overhead costs - not when you just paid >$40,000,000,000 because your feefees got hurtyhurt

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    Dammit, Captain...this is why we can't have nice things!  

    Red Team at the Path for hold.  


    Could you imagine being the poor bastard that has to run out to 20,000 tons of liquid oxygen and hydrogen just to go turn a fuckin wrench???

    They're running some crew out to retorque bolts on a LH2 replenishment valve WHILE THE STACK IS LOADED!!! 


    Holy mother of Jesus

    edit: crew about to be walking onto camera in a bit. Should be something else to see people THAT CLOSE to so much potential energy


  4. Gov. Greg Abbott declares immigration from Mexico to be invasion

    TYLER, Texas — Gov. Greg Abbott says he has invoked the Invasion Clauses of the U.S. and Texas Constitutions to declare immigration from Mexico as an invasion.

    Gov. Abbott says he will "fully authorize Texas to take unprecedented measures to defend our state against an invasion."

    Gov. Abbott says the following steps will be taken by the state:

    Deploy the National Guard to safeguard the border, and to repel and turn back immigrants trying to cross the border illegally

    Deploy the Texas Dept. of Public Safety (DPS) to arrest and return immigrants to the border who crossed illegally, and to arrest illegal immigrants for criminal activity;

    Build a wall in multiple counties on the border;

    Deploy gun boats;

    Designate Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations;

    Enter into a compact with other states to secure the border; 

    Enter into agreements with foreign powers to enhance border security;

    Provide resources for border counties to increase their efforts to respond to the "border invasion."

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, bernorange said:



    @Captainant - in this case, digital dollar means CBDC.  They are doing investigations/tests to flesh out the possibility of creating a CBDC.  This is just one initiative that the Fed is currently working on.

    gotcha - it sounds closer to a modernization of what the ACH system currently does, as far as centrally tracking and documenting transactions between major financial entities. And honestly, using that sort of technology of blockchain record keeping - just more like git rather than a cryptocurrency - would significantly improve assurance, auditability, and traceability in financial transactions. Pretty much every tech company is using it already and it's well-proven technology. 

    You just don't need to distribute it across billions of nodes and waste 99.9999999% of your compute work if you have a system with a trusted framework in the first place lol. Interested to learn more about the tech behind that, since ACH is a decades old architecture and solution to a problem that's scaled up exponentially

  6. 15 minutes ago, Humble Beast said:

    Why would the NYT do this? Weird.




    Reading through the article.... I disagree with your outrage bait. The author is pretty up-front with SBF moving specifically to avoid regulation and oversight that he would be subject to in the US. It included a single paragraph about his charity efforts, and quickly followed it up with all the other shit he's been doing too (including helping to fund elmo's twitter takeover)

    I get it, NYT bad because orange man says bad. But cmon tovarich, at least try to have an original thought for yourself

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. 10 minutes ago, ABSR said:

    At what point prior to launch should we determine if they are going to have the same issue as the last time?

    When they start to introduce liquid hydrogen into the system. It's an incredibly small molecule that is liable to slip through the tiniest opening, and wouldn't you know it, a rocket built out of retrofitted parts is chock full of interconnects that increase the risk of a fuel leak that would scrub the launch like the last four or five times they've tried

  8. 23 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    Sounds like we're coming up with a way to say that this wasn't an attack.  The missile was "shot down," and instead of falling out of the sky, it defied gravity and actually flew further than it would have on its planned trajectory.  Yeah, that's it.  That's the ticket.

    Modern cruise missiles aren't ballistic - they fly and maneuver very much like an aircraft does and many missiles even use turbofan engines and not rockets thanks to their superior fuel economy. I can totally see a russian missile damaged by Ukrainian air defense flying off course, especially if it was targetting something near the border already

  9. https://wiadomosci.radiozet.pl/Polska/rakiety-spadly-na-polske-sa-ofiary-smiertelne

    Here's a polish article I found on it, translation in quote:


    Two stray rockets fell in the village of the Videes in the Lubian province on the Ukrainian border - Radio ZET has unofficially learned. They hit the grain dryer. Two people were killed. The police, prosecutors and the military are at the scene.

    It is also unofficially known that military aircraft were torn. 

    Rockets fell to Poland, there are victims
    The fire department has previously confirmed that there have been explosions in the village of the Videos. "The reasons for this event are not known at the moment," said the spokesman of the Hrubieov State Fire Department in Hrubieov." In fact, when we arrive, we confirm that something like this happened. Two people were killed at the scene. "We are currently securing the scene and illuminating the action area," he added.

    "We don't know what happened, the area is secured," said the explosions occurred when the tractor entered the weight. "We don't know what happened, the area is secured," said the Secretary of the Dolthobyk municipality.

    In connection with the crisis situation, the Prime Minister has called a meeting at the BBN in consultation with the President. "I call not to publish unconfirmed information," said government spokesman Piotr Müller. 


    • Hook 'Em 2
  10. 18 minutes ago, Upgrayedd said:

    This is more of an issue for the general contractor IMO

    In our great state, we always pass the buck from the powerful site owner who's paying for everything down to the poor worker who's getting his wages stolen. It's that contractors fault for being willing to walk through water with live wires in it (to meet the production target set by the powerful site owner)! 

    It's absolutely the responsibility of the site owner to keep the GC honest and not endanger his people. Because at the end of the day, it's your fucking site and you should take personal responsibility for the conditions of it. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
    • Like 2
  11. The Guardian: Construction workers at Tesla’s Texas gigafactory to sue for labor violations Whistleblowers allege constant hazards, onsite accidents and wage theft while working on the manufacturing facility in Austin

    Some excerpts:


    “Nobody deserves what happened in the gigafactory to happen to them, or their family members, or whomever,” Victor, a worker who asked the Guardian to withhold his last name out of fear of retaliation, said in an exclusive interview about working conditions, adding: “I don’t think it was humane.”


    On Tuesday, Victor is filing a complaint with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Osha), part of the Department of Labor, over alleged fake certificates of completion for required training he says never happened.

    He told the Guardian that his team was directed to work on the metal factory roof at night with no lights, labor on top of turbines that were blowing smoke without protective masks, and otherwise put themselves at risk without basic information on how to stay safe.

    In one instance, Victor said he and his colleagues were expected to keep up production on a flooded first floor – despite observing there was live wiring all over the place and cords in the water. He remembers telling his wife: “I’m going to die in this factory.”

    On another occasion, Victor worked with a man who was so desperate for money he returned to the job in a brace after breaking his arm on site.

    “Every day, there was a safety issue,” he told the Guardian.

    Other workers sacrificed time with their loved ones to keep building the factory over Thanksgiving last year but say they never received the double-pay bonuses they had been promised, according to Tuesday’s case referral to the federal Department of Labor’s wage and hour division.

    Hope your son isn't getting fucked over by musky, Brat

    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. What, do you mean keeping IOU's that hold no intrinsic value magically became worth something because they were stored on a Blockchain? That was SBF's basic thesis in favor of crypto - and one I've read here on Surly too lol. 

    It's not that hard to figure out how a fraudulent business failed. It's just that y'all didn't think it could fail until the run on the bank lol

    Crypto exchanges mismanaging/leveraging funds and getting got by a downturn is a CLASSIC way to get rugpulled in crypto!

    Mark Karpeles and MTGox out front shoulda told ya

    • Haha 1
  13. It's not combat footage or strategic updates, but I've been watching this analysis about the russian army culture of lying - "vranyo" - and how the caustic nature of their lies have added up

    Really interesting breakdown of how, why, and who is rewriting reality in the russian army. The "you know I'm lying, I know you know I'm lying, but I'm gonna keep doing it anyway with a straight face" and decorum demands that you act like you believe them. It's a fascinating aspect of an authoritarian leader and endedmic corruption 

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