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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 1 hour ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    If the noise the Empire uses to torture is so f***ed up, at least let us hear it. This is adult Star Wars. 

    I bet it was something like this



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  2. 58 minutes ago, UTGrad98 said:

    I work for one of the largest healthcare companies in the world and while there was talk about significant increases in wages during the summer that has cooled. The latest I heard from upper management (maybe a month ago) is my staff is paid appropriately.  There will be a bump in pay but nothing like how it was perceived a few months ago. I am quite sure my salary increase will not be higher than 3%. I am praying my staff sees 5% increases. There will be a reckoning regardless because all of my hourly workers are expecting 8-9% minimum. I told my wife I may go part time in March because I don't care to deal with this. Right now upper management has been laying the groundwork because their message lately has been be thankful you have a job as we had had layoffs like everyone else. 

    What are you, some commie pinko? You must generate an acceptable rate of return for the shareholders, laborer. Be thankful you're getting the crumbs you are, otherwise capitalism may fail!

    • Haha 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Great Gatsby Movie GIF by Sony

    I have made such a shot many times in various first-person shooters, and nothing quite beats that feeling of stepping out of hiding and taking out another person's tank or vehicle.

    Well, maybe running over people in a jeep in Battlefield 1942.  And hell, Russia is probably running some 1940s-era jeeps in Ukraine, so that might could happen.


    Yeah but it wouldve been cooler to cover a jeep in C4 and ghost ride that whip into a tank. GAWSH it's like you've never played BF

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  4. 14 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    Why do you hate shareholders? Investments are a good thing. 

    In practice as we see today, benefits go to the shareholders first. Company recieves $600,000,000 in paycheck protection money? Stock buybacks and bonuses BAYBEEEE!!! Shit was litty titty there for a bit, don't you remember? 

    Or were you too busy chasing down your leads on election fraud to notice?

  5. 37 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    I don't know if this goes here, but it's a good example of the information war, which Twitter certainly is at the forefront. 

    A friend recently said "Biden is making inflation worse by printing money, expanding Medicaid to cover food and furniture." Right off the bat, my Fox News detectors went up. I was like, there is no way that is true. 

    So I go to the google machine and find the NY Post Article Medicaid Payments for housing, food, and even furniture 

    This article was listed as an opinion piece, but the average joe doesn't even know what that means. In it, it linked as evidence, another fear mongering article from the NY Post stating Biden's Medicaid plans will send the program completely off the rails, but at least in the second article, they finally linked the actual CMS website announcement

    HHS approved section 1115 waiver for two states (Massachusetts & Oregon) 

    So scientists and doctors are testing a program where certain beneficiaries will get medically tailored meals and clinically tailored housing supports to TEST if these actions improve medical outcomes, which is the goal of medicine, to improve medical outcomes. 

    Now, if a "Newspaper" is saying Biden is going to ruin American because of XYZ. 

    Next comes Twitter, where reading articles and digging into facts are funneled down to 100 character headlines as fact. NY Post opinion article gets circulated as fact, and our entire information ecosystem has become reduced to shitposting on the internet. 


    Yay America. 


    lol and you can't mention that anywhere else on surly otherwise you'll be a CR TROLL!!!one!!

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. 35 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

    Terminal rate guess - 5.5%. 

    One factor to consider: https://www.thesling.org/the-hidden-cause-of-economy-wide-inflation/

    My claim is that platform MFNs are a hidden cause of the current macroeconomic inflation. An economy full of dominant intermediaries, all of whom use MFNs and their non-price equivalents, is an economy primed to turn private unilateral market power into widespread macroeconomic inflation when it comes time for recoupment.

    This is an excellent follow-on to my point: healthcare is an industry rife with MFN's and middlemen that do nothing but take profits without actually contributing to the outcome that generated the revenue. But unless you're made out of cash, neither you nor your doctor have any choice or say as to when or who or what or how you are treated. You're totally at the mercy of whatever those most favored intermediaries (that are obfuscated from you) decide is best for their interests. 

    10 minutes ago, Humble Beast said:

    Please baby Jesus can we avoid a debate over the health care system on this thread. 

    Not talking about healthcare. I'm talking about how we're billed and charged for it, and using it as an example of exploitative profit taking 

  7. 41 minutes ago, TxTower said:

    Well said Comradeant! Defend us from the Capitalist pigs and their evil profits!

    You're right, watching a family member waste away under """skilled care""" because it's too expensive to treat them with dignity is HILARIOUS! For-profit, private healthcare that's controlled by your employer is the BEST! Especially when you still drop thousands on premiums and deductibles, only to still be left with tens of thousands in bills that are line-itemed differently every time you ask them to.


    Profits aren't evil. Exploitative profit margins that are going solely to shareholders literally thousands of miles away - not the people actually suffering and toiling doing the work - are most decidedly evil. 

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  8. 14 minutes ago, Homercles said:

    It doesn’t need to represent the bulk of Americans or be a real place…it just needs a wide enough breadth that it reaches people who will enact Jan 6, “where’s Nancy”, kidnap a governor, etc.  

    And for emphasis, there have been multiple attacks in the last week. All by people deep down the conspiracy hole spouting all the strangely same talking points that I've seen get laundered through the disinformation loop. Fatty is playing in the world of what if, and we are talking about what is actively happening and literally bashing heads in with hammers

  9. 8 hours ago, Newdoc said:

    It’s all going to get insane. Hospital systems are taking it in the shorts and they are waiting for current contracts to come up for negotiation. And Medicare will have to increase reimbursement or multiple hospitals will fail and close.

    Hospitals aren't taking it in the shorts, their shareholders are. And since they're entitled to always get profit no matter what, our rates go up. Hooray operating in a captured market that will literally kill or bankrupt you if you don't participate!

  10. Damn I just realized the lights dimmed in the prison because of how much juice they were pumping into the floors to fry level 2. This is a pretty fucking grim display of imperial justice to just shove that much mass death in our face as we watch an old man get euthanized after a stroke because he's no longer useful labor. 

    But wouldn't you know it, that oppression bred rebellion into Kino.


    Oh yeah and torture by way of amplified and intensified screams of dying children under a massacre? God fucking damn, Disney!

    This is some seriously grimdark stuff. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. 1 minute ago, fattyflattie said:

    More courthouses, judges, and prisons. Let’s do it. 

    I do disagree with more prisons. We are the most imprisoned society on earth. And we use that prisoner population as slave labor because the 13A carved that out. And it costs far more per prisoner to put them in prison than to rehab them and get them back into society. 

    More prisons is more costs, and more taxpayer money to private prisons and their shareholders. 

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  12. 11 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    Not true. Would much rather convictions of the backlogged and them be on their way with serving their time.  The messaging will work either way.  

    There is a real and literal bandwidth problem with the Texas court system. The state population has doubled since the 80s, and we have not doubled the number of courts in our state. So lines are longer and waits are longer for court dates. 

    Because court dates are farther away and because we have a constitutional right to a speedy trial, if the courts can't give you a speedy trial they can't hold you in jail. Your favorite grievance about bail and releasing criminals is a real problem, but it has a real and identifiable solution in adding more judge seats in proportion with our increased population to fix the underlying systemic issue. And hot wheels ain't gonna be making that situation any better. 

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  13. 1 minute ago, Nivek said:

    Actually if it wasn’t for space x , NASA would be doing that job.

    With the the corpse of SLS that's been cobbled into Artemis? And is years behind schedule? I very much doubt it. But it's also been their strategy to focus more on spacecraft and science than launch vehicles, which are objectively becoming pretty fungible and diverse. It's a good move for specialization, but goddamn has NASA lost their ability to build a launch vehicle

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