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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 19 minutes ago, HenryJames said:


    Nice article (link if you don't want to click the twitter link and get tracked) It's also funny to see HumbleGRUvibes get his pearls in a twist over a program that trump signed into law, AND all of their recommendations are thoroughly documented on their public website. They even publish the meeting notes for chrissakes lol

    But then again, looking at the guidance it makes sense why our favorite frequent flier on the new account creation page is so mad about it:


    Bridging Election Stakeholders and Social Media

    The MDM team serves as a switchboard for routing disinformation concerns to appropriate social media platforms and law enforcement. This activity began in 2018, supporting state and local election officials to mitigate disinformation about the time, place, and manner of voting. For the 2020 election, CISA expanded the breadth of reporting to include other state and local officials and more social media platforms. This activity leverages the rapport the MDM team has with the social media platforms to enable shared situational awareness.  

    COVID-19 Response

    As COVID-19 spread around the globe, mis-, dis-, and malinformation (MDM) spread as well. COVID-19-related MDM activities seek to undermine public confidence and sow confusion. COVID-19 has demonstrated that a rapidly evolving event creates opportunities for adversaries to act maliciously. It also shows that rapid evolution of accurate information makes older, dated information a potential catalyst of confusion and distrust as well. The MDM team supports the interagency and private sector partners’ COVID-19 response efforts via regular reporting and analysis of key pandemic-related MDM trends.

    They watch and document the spread of disinformation across multiple social media networks, and make it their mission to respond to and counter such information by things like “broad public awareness campaigns,” “enhancing information literacy,” “providing informational resources,” “providing education frameworks,” “boosting authoritative sources,” and “rapid communication.”

    Nothing about censorship there being mandated by the government. Although the litany of cherrypicked phrases out of paragraphs of context and qualifiers certainly go a long way to fueling the culture war

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  2. 7 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    Jewish space lasers altered the election against trump (but not any of the republicans elected)? Something something George Soros? Ehrmagerd, time to send devout christian and deputized police officer Herschel Walker to the Senate and execute Obama for being a muslim and giving terrorist fist bumps to his wife, who is actually a man, because her arms are slightly muscular!


  3. 57 minutes ago, 52-80 said:

    through my leadership, i provided my child his dinner yesterday.  not that im already supposed to do that as a parent anyway.

    Lol I mean I'm not sure how to respond to this political grievancd without getting accused of CR'ing.

    Oh no! A press release highlighting that this action, while routine, is the largest of it's kind so far! Someone stop this abuse of the press!!!

    Did you actually think of anything that linked your post to inflation, or did you just want to post in your hugbox?

    1 hour ago, PilotsError said:

    JFC, you think this is on the corporations and not the government printing press??  Gd.  

    BRRRRRT certainly inflated the capital base, but inflation is outrunning monetary supply growth by a factor of 2-3x, and correlates more strongly with increases in corporate profits.

    And dangit wouldn't ya know it, since the 2017 TCAJ there's even fewer drains to remove capital from the economy via corporate taxes. Which are of course at historic lows while profits are record high and wages are increasing slower than inflation for low income (read: hourly) workers. 

    I'm just saying, y'all are pretty eager to pick ONE thing that's still pretty recent as the cause of a long term problem that's been fucking coming for years since we never made any meaningful changes after 2008, and rolled back what we did put in place

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. 19 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    You're really not qualified to tell me what I'm arguing. What I argue is on the page. Fuck your presumption.

    I merely point out what I point out. I don't state a position, in fact I say one can argue with it as policy.

    You see me in a rigid position that I've not articulated. I think you project.

    Well then you tell me what making an "off ramp" for Putin looks like without giving up significant portions of Ukraine's stolen territory. Putin is trying to save face, but he cannot save face with anything less than victory. 

    As long as Putin is running Russia, this will not change. And even after Putin, the dynamic may remain just with new names

  5. Just now, C-Man said:

    "Yeah, but you don't *really* have to live up to the "promises" you make during confirmation hearings."

    -- Justice Coney, Justice Kavanaugh, etc

    Ah, I see you've struck upon the fundamental disadvantage of honesty that has been gleefully exploited by the right

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  6. 1 minute ago, RomaVicta said:

    As for the off ramp, I'll quote this well known pacifist.

    You may disagree with the policy, but it's neither stupid nor weak. 

    I mean, Putin isn't trapped in Ukraine. He can leave whenever he wants lol. You're soft arguing that the west should throw some appeasement to the fascist to make it less difficult to continue to hoodwink and conscript his people in future conflicts. 


    Leaders like putin are a cancer. You can't just wave a magic wand and hope they'll go away because you gave them an avenue for escape. They play for fucking keeps. You gotta destroy the cancer before it metastasizes into another cycle of authoritarian/fascistic leadership.

    5 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    On the story of Biden's loss of temper, I think his people want to ensure that Biden is not perceived as a doormat to Zelensky. It also shows that Biden is being judicious with aid. I think that strengthens to perception of his leadership. The "losing temper" part is likely exagerrated, IMHO, to appeal to the people who like that sort of thing. 

    I may be reading tea leaves too much, but I wonder if part of it is generating soundbites to fight the GQP accusations of giving Ukraine a blank check

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  7. 59 minutes ago, Nivek said:

    I don't think they were ever his comrades, except for the younger guy (Nemik) and to some extent Luthen by way of the contract and the respect he was shown (and the help to escape and the money he made to take care of his family and debts).   Again he didn't run away, the mission was over, he completed his contract, was paid out, and left while everyone was safe, even if it was a bit abrupt.   Luthen's respect for Andor can only have grown having discovered and eliminated the treachery(Skeen) and being a man of his word.  Andor could have stolen all the money and split or much more, but he understood what it would be used for.   Vel might be softening on him a bit, but she would have killed him.  He was right to be rid of her as well.

    I think you are falling for trap of "only a sith deals in absolutes."   He can exist outside the rebellion (as does Saw) and still be against the Empire.  He just wants to escape them and find his sister.  He lost everything to the empire (family, planet, adopted family) and now his freedom.   He hates the Empire, and he definitely has found he can live with harming or killing people when he thinks it is necessary.   

    I'd argue that Saw is the cautionary tale of what happens when you just take your piece and go to hide from the empire while the empire is actively oppressing people and growing. It takes more than just not doing the wrong thing to defeat the empire - you must recognize that in the empire, it's the empire against everyone else. It doesn't matter if they're galactic partitionists or lost, as long as they can fight against the empire and be used as a tool, it's just. Just like how Nemik (Nemek? sp?) wrote in his manifesto after meeting Cassian. 

    From Vel's perspective, it doesn't matter if Cassian the individual hates the empire. It's not his choice what he does if he's not all-in against the empire.

    We've seen through Cassian how the empire will use your body as a tool for oppression, and we are going to see through Bix (or the aftermath at least) how the empire will use your mind and knowledge as a tool for oppression by torturing her for info about the rebels. 

    Vel is worried that the empire will also use Cassian's mind and knowledge to take down the infant rebellion. It's not about Cassian the individual, it's about Cassian the tool.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, utee94 said:

    I've been an electrical engineer and computer programmer for almost 30 years and it still blows my mind, too.  I know exactly how it's done, and it's still just so incredibly impressive.

    What's exciting is that it's being replicated successfully on a smaller and more amateur scale too! A YouTuber put out a video of a rocket take off and landing with Estes rocket motors!

    It's thrilling to see people realizing that the impossible, isnt. It's also ridiculous how much computing power we can bring to bear on problems now, this guy ran thousands of hours of simulations to train his flight model - and he's just one dude!

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  9. Yeah wow just in terms of design principles, you have completely different paradigms between social media (low risk, unlimited compute) and robotics controls for multi-ton vehicles (high risk, constrained compute), and just the underlying tech and services used by each. There's probably some foundational language overlap, but I doubt there's much transferrable as far as patterns, architectures, or best practices. 

    Lol at anyone who's been paying $10k to have (now) twitter engineers drive them around. Your previously beta software is now fully released!


    ... what changelog, you ask?

    • Haha 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Amazing how fast they came down and stopped.

    Whole shitload of people out there with expensive cameras hoping to get some cool launch shots, but fog.

    EveryDay Astronaut and his 4k broadcast van were bigbrains and set up to catch the dual landing - really excited to see what sort of footage they captured, they do smart tricks like setting up a panoramic 6k camera to be portrait instead of landscape and then digitally zooming in for super smooth tracking shots

  11. 13 minutes ago, immamac said:

    I don't think this site has a disinformation problem. It's not a fascist haven, but if that's what your cup of tea is thats not really banworthy

    While events are breaking, surly is absolutely a source of disinformation. During the 2020 summer of love, The Daily Texan had all the hottest updates from Andy ngo and Jack posobiec and other future J6 cheerleaders, but you're not allowed to point out the partisan reporting because you're then being political and you'll get a warn or a ban. Go read the first few pages of all the Breonna Taylor and George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery threads, if blacklab left any of the evidence (rather than moving the posts so we can hold people accountable....)

    The oxygen is always eaten up by the same bad faith posters doing the same schtick. 

    And sure, eventually Bob will come by and delete all the worst of it, but it's still happening in the moment and staying up for some time. 

    Edit: also the COVID threads were pretty remarkably shitty with MAGA disinformation for a good while if you don't recall lol

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  12. 14 minutes ago, immamac said:

    Surly horns couldn't get verified which is absolute horseshit. We had all kinds of articles written about us. 

    Well the site does have an unfortunate habit of harboring actual fascists and allowing them to continually make sock accounts after admin and community bannings

    Edit: actually on second thought, twitter does the same thing lmao. Big tech hypocrisy amirite?

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  13. 14 minutes ago, Humble Beast said:

    I’ll just leave it with this. The control of information and narrative dissemination is massively important. The fact that Elon is potentially disrupting that is a pretty dramatic change and why I think we’re seeing the reactions on Twitter and here. It’s reasonable to expect the establishment try to get Elon to bend the knee. I could see them going after the shady business shit he’s been doing forever. Solar City was largely glossed over for example. Worth following. 

    Twitter isn't shit. It's so easily replicated, any fascistic disgraced fuckstain can build their own and call it something snappy like "Truth". Funny thing is, nobody goes to those sites despite being a carbon copy of twitter. It's the audience and eyeballs that make twitter what it is. And that's something that's mighty fickle. 

    Let me put it this way: what's to stop an audience from leaving a website after a hostile takeover ousts the former ownership and puts policies in place that users don't like? Let's ask 8badmofo on shaggy.

    22 minutes ago, Humble Beast said:

    I like to present opposing viewpoints here and yes I’m typically sympathetic to them.

    You are very sympathetic to Russian and fascist propoganda. You should reflect on that before you get banned for posting Russian propaganda in the Ukraine war thread AGAIN. 

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