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Posts posted by Captainant

  1. 8 minutes ago, Nivek said:

    He didn’t bail on his crew. He was hired to do one job and that’s it. One of the crew attempted to backstab the others and he knew the leader wasn’t happy that he was brought along, nor that he disobeyed her to try to save one guys life.

    His judgement to not stick around was correct as they consider him a loose end.

    I suppose it is overstating it to say the he bailed on his crew, but they were his comrades in his own struggle for freedom. Just like Nemek was trying to tell Cassian, they have to stand together otherwise the empire will crush them individually. 

    Narratively, Cassian will see Nemeks words in action as the prisoners conspire to break out. 

    Cassian's decision to run - while right for Cassian the individual - showed that he was not on the side of the rebels. And if you aren't for the rebels, you're intrinsically just another asset for the empire to exploit, including to get some juicy Intel like how Axis's ship is a sweet Fondor made custom job ship. 

    It's not personal for Vel, she's just eliminating resources that the empire would otherwise exploit to crush the rebellion. It echoes how for Cassian it wasn't personal to shoot Skeen, it just became apparent that there was no other option to stop him from stealing the creds and abandoning/killing everyone. IMO, it's a very intentional playing with the gray area that comes with fighting a lawful fascist government 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Biff Tannen said:

    I mostly agree here.  I did not think it was a very good example.  In her thought exercise, I came away with the opinion that neither of the students should get "credit" for either of their situations, as I felt they were irrelevant to choosing the best candidate.

    Academically, yes. Financially, no. Those legacies are much better candidates to putting more money into the university than a first generation college student. That's a real factor in admissions in an otherwise toss up decision and without some other mechanism to counter that dynamic, it's not hard to see our colleges become less diverse over time. Which is a bad thing for academics

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  3. 1 minute ago, YGIFS said:

    This is beyond a psychological anomaly.  We're just discussing our disbelief at what has taken place from disregard, to dismissal, to lack of action, to nobody taking it out on themselves or family or criminals or innocents, et. al.  700+ officers, 6+ months, and other than a couple of taken school board fights...nothing has happened?  At all?  It's beyond bizarre.  This is an occasion where a conspiracy theory would make a fuckton more sense than what's unfolding publicly.  You cannot keep every single one of 700 people from slipping and saying something drunk, tweeting while under stress, freaking out in the garage with a loaded service weapon after what happened and the ensuing public backlash.  That's not how we're wired.  

    It's almost like the police have been conditioned to not think of citizens as people and just as cattle to herd around and force into compliance. Nevermind the story of one of the surviving children and her parents from Uvalde getting profiled by cops just a few days ago for going 5 over the speed limit


    The cops, just like every other shameful fascist in our society, would much rather we all just move on and not make things so political by demanding accountability.

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  4. Case in point here cornpop, Elon is going for another cryinglib.meme here 

    He's trying to dodge accountability for putting out bullshit propoganda from a bullshit source by leaning on culture war bullshit to distract the useful idiots. Like how when babyaga outed himself as a neonazi but since he's on your team in the culture war you've got his back. Just like how since (you think) Elon triggers the people you want triggered, you'll defend him on a Texas football message board. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Cornpop said:

    It doesn't matter what the opinion is

    You're being willfully ignorant and borderline trolling if you think that advancing a lie that is directly counter to the facts of the situation is an "opinion". 

    If you're tucker carlson you may argue that's "just an opinion", but unless you're a fundamentally dishonest person you'd probably call it a lie. 

    1 hour ago, Cornpop said:

    You guys were all just fine with Elon Musk when you thought he was on your team. But when he made it clear how much he depises you and all you stand for, you went full triggered.

    I've been pretty consistent in this thread that he's not a wizard, he's just willing to ignore conventional wisdom and fail along the way to success. You keep using the word "triggered" because it's what angry TV man says and you repeat it like an aggy, but folks here are more just laughing at how badly Elon is fucking himself over.


    1 hour ago, Cornpop said:

    I don't really give a shit about Elon Musk one way or the other, but I will always be for free speech. 

    Blindly supporting someone's actions because you agree with their rhetoric is how you end up drafting behind qanon. It's not gonna put you in good company lol

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  6. 41 minutes ago, Cornpop said:

    I know, right. We've got to do something about independent thought that differences from the mainstream media narrative. 

    This is the most cynical #bothsides I've read in some time. This wasn't just a different opinion, Elon was amplifying a known right wing and qanon disinformation source inside his first week as twitter CEO. It's fun to deride that as cryinglib.meme, but you're allowing yourself to be manipulated and made into a useful idiot if you think you're making an even comparison 

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  7. Lol the mEtAvErSe is just a spyware filled VRchat or RecRoom. It's a step back in terms of tech, capabilities, and visuals. And you need a fucking Facebook/meta account to use it. It's no wonder why nobody is using their services - the people who know how use VR don't want to use Facebook, and the people who want to use Facebook don't want to or aren't capable of using VR

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  8. Loved the finale, excited to see what they do next season. I love that they paired the "overly emotional" Vulcan with Tendi lol, as well as the reversal of Mariner now tormenting Ransom in the mentor/student relationship.

    This show is a love letter to trek nerds, and I am here for it

    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. 10 minutes ago, Homercles said:

    Shouldn’t he fire himself now, or is he a full time onsite Twitter worker despite SpaceX/Tesla?  Thought he said remote workers should find a new job.  

    It's almost like top executives don't actually contribute to the regular completion of work, and leverage that to get multiple executive roles and pursue opportunities in parallel while preventing their underlings from exercising the same agency and liberty 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 12 minutes ago, 52-80 said:

    Anyone remember the fun drama around Net Neutrality just a few years ago?

    How it would tear apart the threads of democracy? And stifle access to education on the internet? And block dissident voices and suppress racial and social justice? 

    Remember how all that handwringing totally came to fruition? me neither

    Much of the internet reaction is basically *oh no, a guy i dont like bought a thing that i also dont like!*

    My guy, eat my ass if you think we're out of the woods with net neutrality. We have monopoly ISP's zero-rating their own content to disadvantage competitors and exploit their ownership of the network stack. It IS a problem, and there is an ongoing effort by you and yours to redefine what is and isn't acceptable to teach in schools, up to and including that there's #bothsides to the civil war and holocaust. 

    Elon and Twitter don't make a shit about the internet as a whole. It's just one website out of billions. There is nothing novel about their technology or architecture, just simply that they have a large audience. Elon bought an audience, just like how Eskimo hut bought an audience. 

    I'm curious to see if Elon ends up shaggy'ing Twitter

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